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Saiki POV

I walk up the steps and after I knock on the door, I straighten my tie. A few seconds later the door swings open.

"Hey, Saiki! Let me go grab my sweater," Mera says and when she comes back we head over to the school for the dance. I didn't want to be a complete loner so I decided that asking Mera would be my best bet since if I have a date, I won't stick out as much. This isn't an ideal situation and I much rather would have avoided the dance altogether.

During the field trip a few days ago, I watched y/n get asked to the dance by Hairo. When I saw y/n walk away from the group and Hairo go after her, I felt compelled to follow. I knew that it would be a bad idea and that I'd ultimately regret it but I went anyway. I concealed my presence with my invisibility and watch the scene unfold. The way she smiled bashfully at his compliments and how she hid her blushing face made me feel something so deep in my stomach, I thought I might explode if I heard any more. I didn't have time to rationalize my thoughts before I turned and walked up to Mera and asked her to go with me. Her thoughts were extremely hesitant and she kept looking over to Yumehara who was also internally freaking out but I didn't care. After a few seconds of Mera stuttering, she finally said yes. Y/n and I haven't talked much since the field trip and our walks to and from school were silent for the most part. I overheard that y/n didn't have a problem with Mera going with me so I guess in the end it doesn't matter.

Once we get there, I look around the gym. There are streamers and balloons hung up all around. The disco ball is flashing and the music is on full blast, already giving me a headache. Some people are dancing while others are standing off to the side either talking or eating food.

"I'm heading over to the food table," Mera says and in the blink of an eye, she's gone. I sigh and walk to the corner of the gym, wanting to be anywhere but here. A rough hand grabs my shoulder and I look over to see Nendo.

"Hey, buddy! How's it going?" He says.

Kaido and Yumehara are behind him, both of their faces beet red. Kaido asked Yumehara after we got home from the field trip. Apparently, he was inspired when Hairo and I made our proposals. It was still a mess to watch since Kaido couldn't get the words out but Yumehara was patient and she allowed him to finish before accepting. I shrug in response.

"Where's Chisato at?" Chiyo asks while looking around. I point to the dessert table and I look up just in time to see Mera leaving the gym with a bag full of food.

'Good grief,' I think while running a hand through my hair. 'My date ditched me.'


For the next several minutes, I stand off to the side while Nendo, Kaido, and Yumehara are on the dance floor. Hairo, sweaty from all his dancing starts a dance circle and somehow commences a dance battle between himself and Nendo. I look around for y/n, wondering where she is, I can't seem to find her anywhere. I ask Yumehara if she knows but she shakes her head no. Her mind questions my feelings for her but I ignore her thoughts and continue to scan the crowd. After a while, the music and people's thoughts are making my head pound so I decided to go up to the roof for some fresh air. Once I get up there, I open the door to see y/n standing there, staring up at the sky. The moonlight hits her face in such a way that makes her look even more beautiful than normal. Her (color) dress hugs her body perfectly making her look like a celestial princess. She looks over at the sound of the door and gives me a small smile.

"Hey," she says and looks back up at the sky, "nice suit."

I'm broken from my trance and I walk over to her.

'Why are you up here?' I question and she looks down at her feet.

"I was getting bored and it felt awkward standing there by myself so I decided to come up here," she confesses and I grow confused but before I can say anything she continues.

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