Chapter 1: Mark me

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"Rush baby, you can talk to him in a little while, finish fucking me."

"One second babe, I'm almost done" I say. She's so bloody needy. I know she wants to mate with me and I finally told her yes but after this mate hunt! I promised the elders I'd do it this one last time. I finish texting Jesse, then I need to hurry up and finish her off, Before she flips her lid. She wants me to mark her as my potential which again i've complied with but told her I won't mate with her until after.

"Hurry the fuck up Rush, you know I don't like to be kept waiting. You should just mate me now, why prolong the inevitable" She whines

I chuck my phone on the side table and look at the girl naked beneath me. She has platinum blond hair, cut into a sleek bob, light blue eyes and plump pink lips that are like a vacuum when she blows me. I have not had better. And sex Is, well sex, it's not the explosive kind but its fun, sometimes. I kiss her and she moans as I enter her again.

"Harder Rush, I need you deep to have a better chance at conceiving, might as well start now! It could take for ever for me to fall" I fuck her how she asks but she knows that's not gonna happen yet either. I have a magic spell on myself to prevent it (that I haven't told her about.) I'll lift it when I'm good and ready. Sometimes she makes me think that's all she wants to mate and have babies, so she can boast their mine. We've been together on and off for about a year and she gets more and more persistent each time. She doesn't really speak to me unless we're out together and that's just so she can show herself off that she's with me. I have been reconsidering things, with her recent behaviour, but as I told Jesse she's a suitable potential and I know her. Well I thought I did. She's trying everything she can to tie herself to me and she never used to be like that.

"Yes Rush, that's it, don't stop baby give it to me!" She yells out. She can be quite off putting sometimes. I reach between us to get this over and done with and I rub her clit.

"Don't forget, you said you'd mark me!" She pants. How could I forget. She tells me every 2 minutes. After a few thrusts she screams her release and I reluctantly palm her neck and brand her with my magic. I could have made it more pleasurable but I think I'll keep that for mating.

"Ruuuussh, mmmm that was so good. You've finally marked me and fingers crossed you've just got me pregnant" She squeals. I climb off her and she wraps herself up in the sheet while I go and start the shower. I come back out to get some clothes and she's now on her phone.

"You gonna join me In the shower?" I asked but she ignored me. Things like this is what I mean, she's started getting clingy and shit, I'm guessing because of the hunt. But this is becoming a joke. That's the only reason she's going on and on about mating and baby's. She probably thinks if she's not showing any interest then I'll find a more suitable potential, which I'm starting to think I might just do anyway. Because sex and talking about that shit, isn't showing enough interest to me.

"Babe?" Still nothing. Giving up, I grab my clothes and go shower.

Once I'm washed and dressed in dark blue Jean and a white short sleeved top, then chuck my white trainers on. I brush my teeth and stick some gel in my hair. I walk into the bedroom and she's gone. Just a note on the bed reading

Gone to meet with the girls for dinner. Text when your back, but don't be back too late as i want to fuck as much as possible to get pregnant. Love ya xoxo

Is she serious! I scrunch up the note, chuck it in the bin and head to the council room to meet Jesse. I have a few days to decide if Nadine is the right choice or not. Iv marked her yes, but that will fade, she will want me to top it up but I can avoid that if need be. And the pregnant thing is starting to drive me nuts. And who signs off with 'ya' and 'xo's' if they love you. Iv never said it to her but I'm starting to see maybe I don't and never will love her. I need to decide if i can live with her.

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