Chapter 18: It Is My Fault

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When I woke it's to the sounds of arguing. I pretend to still be asleep so I can listen. This will give me an idea on how they feel. And whether I need to be worried!

"She was mine first, Rush. How did you not feel she was already mated? I thought everyone could tell when the other one was!"

"Probably because she's my mate too so it didn't appear as though she was. You need to get over this, Jes. Because if you think I'm giving her up, you've got another thing coming! Because whether you like it or not, she's also mine!" 

"This isn't supposed to be possible and if she wants to null it she can. As you said the tree gave her no choice. As she kept running from you and hiding, she probably didn't want to mate you in the first place, so she was essentially forced by you!" He snarls. That's fucking harsh and so not true at all. I was hiding because I didn't want to betray Jesse before he knew of my feelings towards Rush. But I couldn't help but claim him as mine. Because he is! 

"Don't give me that shit! She never said no and she marked me. That was her choice! I'd never force her, so don't fucking say that!"


"I was able to hear her, and I didn't think to ask her why she never spoke out loud! Or why I could hear her in my head. I was too caught up in the moment every time I was with her. It never occurred to me to question it and I wasn't 100% sure she was my mate as she chose to conceal I think. And regardless of the tree's pheromones, mating is a choice by the person, not the tree. You know this! You can't ask me to give her up Jesse. I won't! It's not fair to ask me to. I didn't ask for it to be this way and you wouldn't like being told to give her up either! It's not our choice anyway. And you heard her she already thinks we're going to hate her over this. She probably thinks one, if not both of us will now reject her. You need to sort this shit out before she wakes up because I do not want her thinking any of that shit. I told you how she was after our mating. I don't want her feeling like that ever again. Or to feel like she can't tell us something that's bothering her because of how we might react. If she wasn't so worried about how you would react she might have told you!" 

"Fuck! I don't want her to either! I just don't understand this shit and it makes me fucking mad! How are you so accepting all of a sudden? " 

"Can I just ask you a question? And I want an honest answer!"

"What?" Jesse snaps at him. I knew he would have a problem with this. Rush is right in that's why I didn't tell him right away. Plus I didn't want to have this to deal with when he was working. I didn't want to see the anger and betrayal I can feel coming off of him right now. 

"If you just forget about the anger and possessiveness, shit for a second and think about her with me. Does it really bother you? Do you get the rage that comes with it, that you would when someone else touches her. All this anger isn't because it bothers you. It's because it's unprecedented and how you think you should react! And the betrayal you feel, I do understand it. But you know it's not really the case here. And you said she wanted to talk to you after the hunt. Maybe it was about this. She was going to talk to you. I just don't think she really understood my mating needs as I didn't know she was already mated. She was hiding from me, remember. I think she was trying to put it off until after the hunt so you wouldn't be distracted or use it as an excuse not to talk to her about it and just get angrier." Jesse doesn't say anything for a while but I can feel the anger and betrayal leaving him. There's a smidge still there but it's to be expected. I can't blame him for it. And Rush is really intuitive because all he's said is pretty much spot on. That is why I was waiting until after. Finally, with a long sigh, Jesse speaks

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