Chapter 32: Who Are They

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I was sleeping peacefully, cuddled up with my mates when I heard shouting. I ignore it and snuggle in, tightening my arms around what I thought was Jesse. But whatever it is, it is too squishy. I peek and see I'm hugging a damn pillow. I lift my head and look round the room to see no one around. Oh well. I just lay my head on the pillow when there is loud pounding on the front door. Deciding to see what all the ruckus is and where my mates have gone, I climb from the bed, keeping the sheet that one of them must have put over me, around my body and start making my way out. 

Why the fuck am I so tired? I feel drained, which makes no sense. I get to the bottom of the stairs and head for the kitchen when I hear voices in the front room. So I divert in that direction. With a yawn, I rub my eyes with my free hand and ask them 

"Who are you talking to? You're all being loud!" When I stop rubbing my eyes and look at them, I see their faces turned towards me and 2 men standing in front of them. Katy is in here too, looking at me with a cheesy grin on her face.

"Err.. who are they? And why is everyone staring at me?" I ask as I go and hide behind them. I can still see them and they're just staring. Then Rush answers me.

"Aiden, Jesse's father and Eli, my father. And this beautiful creature is our mate, Kylie" Holy shit. I'm meeting their dad's! And here I am, butt naked with only a sheet wrapped around me. I click my fingers to have clothes on and Jesse pulls me Into his arms with a chuckle and whispers in my ear

"You didn't have to get dressed on their account. I liked the sheet you were rocking. Made you look like a Greek goddess" He nips my neck with a growl. Seriously! I'm all for more sexy time, but there dad's are standing right in front of us for fuck sake. When he nuzzles into my neck, it tickles and I push him away with a giggle and say

"Jesse, don't be rude. I don't want to see them being practically naked. Though I can't exactly communicate with them. So you will have to speak for me I guess" I look to see there still staring at me. Like what, Dudes? Why are they looking at me like they've never seen a woman before? I mean hello, Katys right there! I'm sure Rush and Jesse don't see it as it's their dads, but they're looking at me like they're ready to devour me. Is it my power? Is it leaking again? I thought Rush had sorted it so that I didn't need the damn necklace anymore. And now I'm starting to feel uneasy.

"Stop looking at her like that. You're making her uncomfortable" Rush snapped at them and they blink a few times, as if shaking themselves from whatever spell they were under. And when they both step towards me at the same time, I take one back into Jesse's chest and he wraps his arms around my waist. Rush, seeing my reaction steps forward, almost in front of me to block them. Let's just say it's a natural reaction to older men. Alpha and his Beta were always the worse and older too. Add that to the way they were looking at me, it freaked me out a little. Okay a lot. I also notice Zephyr zip out in my distress and float around my head.

"It's a pleasure..." Aiden says at the same time Eli says
"It's lovely..." They both hold their hands out. Taking a breath I lift my hand and place one in each of theirs.

"Father, back to the matter at hand. How far do you think the wave hit?" Rush asks. I try to pull my hand from theirs but they only tighten their hold and Rush and Jesse have a laser focus on their dad's faces.

"Um. I'm not sure. We were not that far from here so… so maybe only within the radius of the council rooms." Eli answers, but never takes his eyes from me. I look at Aiden and he too is still staring at me as he says

"Yes. Yes. I agree. Not far." I'm starting to feel a little lightheaded. My hands are starting to go numb where they're holding them so tight and no matter how much I tug at them they just won't let go. Zephyr zips over to our hands and I see tiny electric sparks, but that doesn't work. They almost don't even react, but I catch the slight lift of their lips and the scrunch of their eyebrows, before they go back to neutral. Jesse asks them something else, but I don't know what and neither of them seem to notice that I'm struggling to get my hands back. I feel like I'm about to pass out any second. My eyes are getting heavy and I see black dots in my vision. Zephyr comes back to me and sends some magic through to me, giving me a little boost, which is enough energy to turn my face upto Rush sluggishly and say

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