Chapter 29: I Have Some Questions

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I run up to the tree and it embraces me as always. Squeezing me tight. I love this frigging tree and still she's a mystery to me. I really do need to start figuring out who my parents truly were. I scream when I hear a very deep rumbling voice

"She's happy you're OK and thank you for healing her. She's been very worried" I look around but only see my tiny speck from my bracelet. What the actual fuck? Rush comes running up behind me and Parker comes from the other side of the tree.

"Angel. What is it?"
"What's wrong?"

"Someone just said something but there's no one here! It was the deepest voice I've ever heard. Like unreal deep" I whisper in his mind. I don't know why as it's not like everyone can hear me out loud!. Rush chuckles and I start saying

"What's so fucking fu-" "ahhhh" I scream again and fall backwards Into Rush who catches me and laughs, as a tiny little man pops into appearance where my little speck just was. Rush still has his arms around me as when he went to step away I stepped back into him, not wanting him to move away until I know what the fuck this little thing wants. I mean come on. Let's face it, I was being a bit of a wimp. But he just spoke and poped out of nowhere, it freaked me the fuck out!. After my initial shock I hesitantly hold my hand out and he lands on my palm with a radiant smile. I take in his bright blue eyes and his short almost white hair. It kind of matches my now blond tips. His clothes are made from... I'm gonna say leaves? Yeah definitely leaves and well yeah I don't fucking know what else im not a tiny persons clothes maker. But he is adorable, so I wave at him with a sheepish grin and he chuckles. I can't help that he can't hear me. So I have to wave to say hi.

"I can hear you just fine, my Queen."

"Say what now? You can hear me?"


"ooookay. Hi I'm Kylie and you are?"

"Oh, I do beg your pardon, my Queen. My name is Zephyr. Zephyr Swiftspark. At your service" He dips down into a bow. I look at Rush and Parker who are looking at me in amusement. I don't get what's so amusing so I look back down and say

"Errr. Pleasure to meet you. Why do you call me your Queen? And err... where did you come from? What are you?"

"Because you are our, my kind's, Queen. You have been long awaited. And I've been with you since you received that bracelet. It's my home. I am your personal guard. Our goddess who gives you your mates also creates us and for those special enough, they are given a sprite. I was born, chosen for you specifically and our souls are connected much like a mate bond, but not a mate. If that makes sense." I just stare at the tiny creature, not knowing what to say to that.

"Okay. How am I your queen though? I mean, I'm nobody."

"You're very special actually. And our Queen because of who your mother was. She was special too and you're her heir." He replies

"I have some questions" Rush says

"Yes, your royal highness?" He says in his deep voice. It really is unusual.

"Your kind is a myth, where have you all been? And if you knew her mother, why did we think you were extinct for thousands of years? I also know you to be quite powerful so why didn't you just get her out of there or stop her being taken in the first place? Why only reveal yourself to her now? And can you tell us who her mother was?" He fires question after question. I didn't even know sprites existed, hence Zephyr scaring the shit out of me.

"We've been in hiding awaiting our Queen. If we didn't there are those who would have captured us and used us against her. Though created by the goddess, we were brought into existence by the blood and essence of our Queen. Think of it as a kinship. Our kind is very much a part of her and her bloodline and what she feels we feel. Hence not being able to help when she was hit with the powder, as it rendered me incapacitated. And she would have unknowingly been affected by our capture or torment. It would have weakened her and she would have felt anguish and not known why. Especially if I was captured as I was born through her DNA not just through the blood of her line. Over the years we have felt all her anguish, me especially. But we have been unable to do anything. We did not know where she was as she was cloaked from us. The reason you thought us extinct, is that was how the spell that was cast was designed. So that we were forgotten, along with her mother. There are many that were after her too and her daughter was more coveted than she, for reasons that will reveal themselves. And as much as I wish to tell you who your mother was, she spelled us not to. She said that was something you needed to discover on your own. I'm sorry. And I only recently had the means to introduce myself. Our kind feeds off nature's energy. That's why my home is made from what it is, but that took a lot out of me and I needed to restore my energy. You may have thought the tree was the culprit but she just lent me some of herself to work with. I had to do the rest" He does look sorry and that's a lot of information to take on. Rush holds me tight in comfort, seeing my sadness about not having more information about my mum. With that, I need a subject change before my brain explodes or I start crying. Noone wants to see that.

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