Chapter 24: Ello Darlin

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Ugh my head. I reach up to the sore spot and find a lump and my fingers come away sticky and something heavy is burning into my wrist. I can feel my tree bracelet sprouting it's leaves trying to cover my wrist to stop the burn, but whatever it is, is moving too much to be fully successful. Trying to blink the disorientation away. I sit up feeling dizzy and sick and I have to lay back down again and wait for the room to stop spinning. Where the fuck am I? I stay laying down until I feel better and try to sit up again. Managing it this time I look around to see where I am but it's too dark and I can't see a thing. Using the wall to lean on, I try standing and hear the clinking of metal on stone. What is that noise?

I push away from the wall and bump into another wall. When I go to reach it, I'm brought up short and the stinging in my wrist intensifies. I pull on it and realise I've been cuffed with a silver chain. It has to be silver as it burns. I can reach the wall with one hand, but the other is too restricted 

"Jesse?...Rush?....Parker?... Anyone?..." I try to reach them all but there's nothing coming back to me. Last thing I remember is going for a run and Luna telling me to get the guys. Then a pain exploded in my head, I must have been hit from behind. I try to get my wrist free by pulling it and using magic but nothing seems to be working. Adrenaline must be kicking in because now I'm starting to panic. I can't even scream for help. Well. I can scream, but what will that do? I don't think anyone would hear me even if I did.

"Luna. What happened? Why can't we reach the guys?" I ask hoping she will know more but she doesn't reply either. Tears prick my eyes. I'm scared. I can't reach anyone. I have no idea where I am. And I don't even know who or why I'm in this situation. Daniel is dead, Nadine and her father are in prison so it can't be them. So who else is there? And why can't I see or reach Luna. It's as if I'm human, as I've lost all the traits that make me different. 

I sit down and let the tears fall. How could I be so stupid and not have one of them with me. Luna was right. Jesse and Rush must be going out of their minds right now and when they find me they will kill me! If I'm not dead already that is. After, I don't know how long, I wipe the tears away and give myself a mental slap. Don't just sit here. Try and see if there's a way out! I get up and feel along the wall with my good hand, but it's just jagged rock. I search the whole room, cutting my palms on some of the rock in the process and come up empty. 

Next I search the floor but it's nothing but what I hope is wet mud. I jump up and accidentally cut my wrist on the stupid cuff that's restricting me from reaching up. So I do it one handed. But I can't even reach the ceiling. I need some fucking lighting! 

No sooner have I thought that and a tiny light orb pops out of the bracelet, letting a little light on the situation. It's not very much but if it's close to a surface I can just about make it out. I look around and I follow the chain all the way to the wall I was laying against and find the mental link embedded into the crevice of the wall and floor. Gripping the chain tight in both hands I try to yank it free or make it loose but it's no use and just burns my hands. I scream now, but in frustration. Then I hear a high-pitched whining noise and light floods into the room.

I blink the brightness away and cover my eyes with my forearm and look up. So there is a door in the ceiling, though it looks fucking tiny. I can't see the face of the person as it's too bright behind them, but it's definitely a woman.

"Will you shut up down there! I have guest's" She screeches. I can't tell who it is by the voice as I don't think i've met this person before. I then noticed the tiny orb zoom out the door and she didn't even notice it. Hopefully it's going to help me somehow. She then shuts the door again and I'm back to utter darkness. It's really fucking annoying that I can't shout at the bitch and find out why I'm here, so I just sink down the wall to the floor and wait. 

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