Chapter 33: Big Baby

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Once I've settled my sister in her room, with Tiffany's help, as she didn't handle the altercation with our father very well and is worried about Kylie. I make my way to my room and walk in the door to find Jesse at the end of the bed with his chin in his hand, eyes focused solely on her face. The Doctor is still tending to her and I go stand next to him.


"Parker was right. 2 dislocated shoulders. He said her healing abilities won't kick in until he's relocated them. It's taking so long as he needs to make sure he doesn't cause any nerve damage and other shit. But when it's done it will still be sore and painful for a day or so. We're supposed to leave for Dravon's in the morning. Maybe we can postpone it for a day. I'd rather have her back to her normal self before we go and end up in, goddess only knows what other situation. She seems to attract it no matter what we do. And it is getting stronger, her magic I mean. We didn't even know she'd fucking released an orgasm spell… (I give him a look because there's no such thing as an orgasm spell) ... yeah, yeah. I know, but that's what I'm calling it and she didn't even know she did it. Why did it happen though? You're the magic man here. Is it building up so much and trying to find a release? Is it because she needs her 3rd mate to balance everything so it's at a normal level? I mean what is trying to get out of her? Have you noticed she seems to be running a little hotter than normal? I don't think she's noticed which is why I brushed it off but there are little things that are now starting to bug me. She's taken to magic like she's been doing it her whole life and we know she hasn't and now it's just slipping out. How many more are going to come for her? Try and take her from us? All I want to do right now is go and kill my father. And yours even more so for what he did. I know it wasn't really their fault. I know that, but my head is saying that doesn't matter, that we need to eliminate any and all potential threats now. I'm going fucking crazy here Rush and i-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down. She's here right infront of us and shit that's a lot of thinking. I didn't know you had it in you…. (I try to lighten the mood but he just gives me a 'this isn't a laughing matter' look, I sigh and continue) … I don't really know anymore than you do. There hasn't been anyone like her in our recorded history. We're all on this journey together, learning as we go. Maybe there is a building up where it's been trapped inside for so long. I haven't exactly been helping her learn her magic. It's out of control for us too until we learn to channel it and she has more than anyone. Maybe you're right. When she's mated to the 3rd it will balance out but I don't know how that will work. We know more are going to come as we still don't know who this other person is that's tried twice now. But we will figure it out and keep her as safe as we can. Please don't kill our fathers, you know they didn't do it on purpose and they still want to have this meeting with us still. They want some explanation as to what happened themselves. As for her hotness… I didn't think much of it either but what made you say 'somethings trying to get out'?" I ask and look at him. He looks uncertain and frustrated when he says

"I don't know. That's just how it…. feels. I don't know how else to explain it. But something is there, trying to break through. I just hope we're ready when it does. And I won't kill them depending on how she feels about it and I'm not leaving her side until she wakes up. So if you want to go and see them, you do that but I'm staying here, I don't think I can control myself around them yet anyway, so best I don't go…. How much longer Doc? When will she wake up?" We both look at the Doctor as he turns with a sigh. 

"I'm almost done with her shoulder. I'll give you something which should help heal it quicker or at least make it so it's not painful until it heals itself. As for waking you can leave her to wake on her own or I can try waking her with our smelling salts?" He says looking at us for an answer

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