Chapter 3: Actually I Have

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I've been looking everywhere, I know she's concealed from me until we both decide if we want to know now but damn I wanna know who she is. I go to the orb tree and ask for the sign in's around that time and there's a few, there's Arianna, Brenda, Paige, Samantha, Nadire, Carrie, Kylie, Tiffany and 5 more. It could be any one of them. After looking at every girl I pass for the next 2 hours, I realise i've wasted enough time. 

I'm not far from home when I bump into Nadine's father. Could tonight get any worse. 

"Ah, Your highness. Nadine tells us your mating this year. Myself and Elizabeth couldn't be happier. Are you mating tomorrow at the hunt?" He says excitedly. I'm about to burst his bubble. Iv never liked her dad, he's always done what he can to climb high in the ranks, trying at every turn to get me to mate his daughter, so he can gain the top prize. He almost won it too.

"I'm afraid that's no longer the case. My mate is here, I intend to mate her as she's truly meant for me. I'm sorry Jackom'' I go to walk past him and he grabs my arm and Hisses 

"You can't do this. She rejected her mate for-" 

"Don't say,  me. I know otherwise and remove your hand before I remove it for you" I warn him, he let's go but doesn't change his position, he's still in my face. I'm fuming mad. How Dare he tell me I can't? 

"You promised her. She told everyone! Do you realise how this will look? What people will say?" He yells

"I do not care. They will see I found my mate and went with the obvious person. I was never going to give up my true mate for your daughter. Get over it. Goodbye Jackom" I walk away from him when he shouts

"You won't get away with this. You will regret going back on your word." He shouts. I whirl around,my magic flaring at his threat.

"Who do you think your threatening? I'm the King. I've let you get away with a lot of things because I was dating your daughter. You won't be getting away with it anymore. Threaten me again and you'll find yourself in the dungeons." I can see he's now biting his tongue, but he wants to say something. Hearing my phone beep I walk away from him and read it.

Jesse: Rush! I suggest you get back here and deal with your…. Girlfriend. before I let my mate loose on her! And if you do not punish her I fucking will! I'll be in my room seeing my mate. When she's settled I will be down to speak with you!

For fuck sake what has that crazy bitch done now. I told her not to come to mine. She knew I would have guests over the next few days! 

Me: what did she fucking do? And she is not my girlfriend anymore. I have a mate to find, remember. 

Jesse: my mate came back to be pushed down the stairs. Then she tried to tell me my mate attacked her first, which she would never do without provocation. I had to stop my mate from attacking her, when really I should have let her, for her disrespect. 

I am seriously regretting dating her. And the stupid notion that she was a good potential when she doest have the right temperament to be a queen. She's rude, selfish, uncaring and disrespectful. Why has it taken me this long to see how vial she really is. I rush back home and up the cobblestone steps leading to my door (my home is built on an incline) and barge through my front door and head for all the communal areas to find her. When I don't, she can only be in one place. My room. I go up the stairs skipping a few. 

When I open my door, I can hear her in the bathroom and head that way. Shoving open the door. She's looking in the mirror holding an ice pack to her face. 

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