Chapter 20: FUUUUCK!

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I open my eyes to find I'm alone. Stretching out like a cat I then look around and think what am I going to do today. Then realise I'm in Rush's room, not mine and Jesse's. It's quite clean. The walls are a dark blue, the layout the same as our room but reversed. His units are a bit more personal, being dark wood and he has pictures on the walls and units. There's a large TV and unit filled with Dvds. Along with a desk and laptop with some paperwork strewn about.

Throwing the covers off I climb out of the bed to have a closer look at the pictures. There are some of him alone, others with whom I presume are his mum and dad and some with Katy. When I see some filled with Nadine I pick them up and chuck them in the bin. Getting Satisfaction when I hear them crunch and smash. Deciding to be nosy, I start to riffle through everything. There's not much to find though boring paperwork, some hidden jewellery. Mens, thankfully so I know it's not Nadine's shit. When I look through his underwear drawer I do find a bunch of nudes of Nadine which pisses me off. They're clearly visible without my having to move shit!

He's known I'm his mate from the beginning or so he says and hasn't gotten rid of this shit! When I get to the last draw and see it filled with her clothes, I pick them all up and pile them in the bin on top of the photos. Then onto the walk in. Again I found her stuff with some make up and jewellery. I even find a box with a fucking vibrator and other kinky shit! I'm not against using any of this type of stuff, but all this has to go. I find one of Rush's t-shirts and chuck it on. Then grabbing the pile of stuff off the floor I go and add that to the bin but there's too much. It will have to do for now though. I go back to the walk in and put the knick knacks into the box and haul that out to the bin too.

Quickly going to Jesse's room to grab some panties I put them on and grab the bin from that room, go back to Rush's and fill it with the clothes. Hoping this will work I grab everything then magic myself outside. Yay! I'm in the front garden. I stand up and think OK how am I going to get rid of this shit! I know! I'll ask Rush if he has a lighter and fuel anywhere! He may as well contribute to getting rid of it now. Even if he doesn't know it yet. But he fucking will!

"Oooh, Ruuuussh?" I sing

"Yes, Angel. Everything OK? Me and Jesse will be back soon. We're just leaving the meeting now." He tells me with concern

"Everything's fine! I was wondering if you had a lighter and some form of fuel anywhere?" I ask cheerfully

"No. I just use my magic- wait. What do you want that for? What are you upto?"

"Huu. Ok. I'm just doing something you should have done, the first day I got here! See you soon. byeeee!"

"Angel, what do-" I block the link and look at the pile. Wondering how I do this. Winging it I think burn bitch, buuuurn! And click my fingers. And voilà the pile bursts Into flames. I smirk and do a happy dance. I can't believe I did it! The girls, sooo need to be here. But I forgot my phone. Hmmm I wonder? Holding my hand out I think, Phone! Peeking one eye open my phone is now sitting in my hand. This shit is handy! I quickly shoot off a text

Tiffany/Katy: Get your arses over to Rush's front garden. I'm having a bonfire! Bring some drinks! We will make a party out of it, so hurry up and get here!

Katy: On my way chicka! Why are you having a fire?

Me: I'm burning the bitchs shit from your brother's room.

"And why are you doing that? I don't like her either and I'm sure he will do it himself soon, as I don't think his mate will like finding it." Katy laughs from behind me. I look to the driveway and see my car! I totally forgot she was staying! What has she been doing? Did she not get told what happened!

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