Chapter 4: What The Fuck Is Happening

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Tiffany arrived right on time to pick me up thank fuck! After the altercation with that bitch last night I was ready to crash. Jesse took me up, we had a shower together and I climbed into bed to go to sleep. Then the noise started from the room just down the hall.

Jesse was not happy, not one bit. He ended up falling asleep not long after IT started and telling me we would leave to go to our place! and yes by IT I mean that bitch fucking Rush. I have to think of it that way because thinking he's fucking her.... yeah let's not go there, I didn't sleep the enter time. My Brain too wired on all the things I want to do to them both. I hated and I mean hated that he was fucking her. Which made no sense but hey, I couldn't control it. I had to keep stopping myself from smashing open his door and pulling the slut off of him and throwing her out the window, to then smash his face in for his betrayal. Which again made no fucking sense.

Did I feel betrayal because he'd upset Jesse and maybe I was getting some of his emotions come through? I don't know, but I find I can't stop thinking about Rush and everything that happened. I haven't even met the guy and shouldn't be so stuck on what goes on between him and some. Some. Slutty, gold digging, bitch.

I get angrier and angrier just thinking about her too. About them. A hand slaps my face and I growl at Tiffany.

"Did you seriously just slap me?" I snarl

"Yes. You've been sitting there for well over 20 minutes now, growling while your face gets more and more wild looking, mumbling things and you were completely ignoring me." She says exasperated. If your wondering how she can hear me? Well we went to see a talented witch that used my blood to create a permanent link. So I don't have to use paper with her, it's pretty awesome.

"I have?"

"Yes you have!"

"Fuck, I'm sorry, I just-"

"Can't get Rush the dick and the stupid fucking bitch out your head!?" She smirks

"How did you-"

"Know? Well... Ahem..Growl fucking stupid bitch. Growl Rush the fucking dick. Growley-growl-growley.... Dick and Bitch. Growl-" I push her playfully, for mocking me and she laughs

"Alright I get the picture. I don't know what's wrong with me. What do you thinks happening? I feel like im going crazy. I can't talk to Jesse about it for obvious reasons. What the fuck am I gonna do?" I fret.

"Maybe you should talk to Jesse about it! He might know what's happening. Won't it be better then driving yourself crazy. Or meeting Rush when your in this state and Jesse's there to witness it?" She reasons. I know she's right, but I don't think I can tell him the thoughts iv been having. There not all about hurting him and that slut that should be keeping her hands to her self.

Calm down Kylie, I tell myself. This anger keeps creeping up on me. Iv also been having naughty thoughts of him too. Which is crazy because I don't even know what the fuck he looks like. He could be really ugly!

"Come on Garth! Let's head back. I think I need a drink. You can get ready with me at the house? Help keep me sane!" I ask her

"Garth? But yeah of course. You know im thinking that maybe I should come with you, back to your territory. I don't want to lose my only friend." She says shyly

"Yeah your the Garth to my Wayne. Wayne's world! Party time! Excellent! Don't tell me you've never seen it? And I was gonna make you come with me anyway. As I said your my Garth." I get up with the mass amount of bags we have and start walking back.

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