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namkyu kwon.

A girl in the 2nd year of highschool (11th grade),
She's got low grades, has one friend she talks to.
She is neither booksmart or streetsmart.
Nobody sits next to her.
She is chosen for class duty most of the time because
she's too scared to refuse.
Hasn't had a boyfriend, neither has she initiated a conversation with a boy and she has a
bit of an attitude.
But she does have a bit of a heart <3.

"and that, is the summary of namkyu kwon."

jihyun says while wiping the nonexistent sweat on her forehead after filling up the whole page of her notebook, "phew". namkyu is sitting on the seat in front of jihyun as they share jihyun's desk for lunch.

namkyu frowns and snatches the paper from jihyun's desk, "what stupid summary are you talking about?" she rolls her eyes as she sternly reads the paper.

jihyun looks at her while she reads the rushed summary, "you asked me if you could be popular, i listed stuff about you to see if it was possible."

jihyun poked namkyu's nose playfully, "and unfortunately, i don't think so." she laughed

namkyu looks down while frowning, "whatever. i'm fine like this anyway, i don't need thousands of friends or boyfriends to cheat on."

"woah, woah, woah, why would you cheat on them?" jihyun asked, worried that her bestfriend would be that type of girlfriend.

"i wouldn't, i'm just saying. because, isn't that what all 'popular' people do?" namkyu scoffs.

jihyun laughs loudly, which was unnecessary but anyway, "right." says jihyun.

"anyway, wanna go hangout after school? we can watch the game and then play video games at my place." jihyun suggested, wiggling her eyebrows as an attempt to convince the girl.

namkyu sighs deeply, "i can't. i have to prepare dinner for my brother."

jihyun groans, "ughhh. why can't your parents do it?"

the other's eyebrows raised, "you know why." she sighed.

"ah, right. i forgot. oh well, next time." jihyun told her, holding a pinky out.

"yup, promise." namkyu replied, linking the pinkies together before they laughed at themselves for acting so childish.


the bell rang and lunch eventually came to an end. the teacher came in while we all scattered to our seats.

"okay guys, before we start this lesson we have a new-"

before he could finish his sentence, a guy walked into the class, he didn't have our school uniform on.

"dammit, i told you to come in after i say 'new student.'" the teacher scolded.

"my bad." the guy said, stifling a laugh.

while i was eyeing him from his shoes, up to his face, that's when i realized

not this guy...

"if you could please introduce yourself, that'd be great." the teacher said, looking so red as if he was trying his hardest to remain serious.

to be honest, it didn't seem like the two were strangers.

"hello, i'm park sunghoon. nice to meet you." he said while smiling.

oh the nerve...

wait. did he say park?

our teacher's surname is also park.

whatever, it's a common last name. no need to stress.

mr. park pointed to the desk next to mine, sunghoon nodded and walked my way but he stopped when we made eye contact.

his eyes widened and i imagined myself flipping him off.

he continued and took the seat next to mine, i pulled my desk to the side a little so that our desks wouldn't touch.

he furrowed his brows at me, "that's not necessary." he scoffed quietly.

it's true, it was flat-out rude. but wait till i tell you about this guy.

"it is necessary." i argued.

i just continued focusing on the lesson. he was just as i remembered. okay, well... not really. he didn't tease, or play around, but he still gave off that typical 'annoying-mean-new-kid-whos-a-bully' in my eyes. (help lmao)

but, as long as he doesn't bother me, then i'm all good.


days past and i really had no problem with him. we exchanged dirty looks once in a while, and when one of us needed help, we'd ignore each other or sometimes we'd tell each other to screw off. (mentally, of course.)

so all was well, no problems at all.

"i honestly don't get how they think he's an absolute god from the heavens." i scoffed shortly as i glared at sunghoon's direction.

it's only been a few days, and he's already well known around the school. how does he do it? i really don't get it.

jihyun raised a brow at me, "why do you dislike him so much? what has he done to you?"

i sighed, "nothing. he's just... i don't know?"

i just shrugged and started to chug down the remaining strawberry milk i had.

"do you like him?"

that's when i choked on my delicious strawberry milk, almost spitting out the drink from shock.

"n-no! what the hell??" i said with a disgusted look, she looked at me with an expression of disbelief.

"mhm." she hummed.

"honest to god, jihyun. i swear."

"prove it."

i just looked at her, confused. i really didn't need to prove that i don't like him, it's not that hard to tell.

"sorry, i was kidding." jihyun apologized, guilt rushing through her body.

"it's alright." i replied.

jihyun sighed and realized, "you really must dislike him though." her elbows went on the desk, "why though?"

that's right, i wouldn't have such a hatred towards someone for no reason.

but there was a reason.

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