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"hey, where'd you go during lunch? you didn't even say anything." jihyun approached namkyu, who was putting all her things into her bag as she got ready to go home.

"class duty." she plainly replied, not showing much emotion on her face. she zipped up her backpack and quickly threw it over her shoulder, "bye."

"wait- namkyu!" jihyun yelled as her eyes followed the girl who was in a rush to leave school. once she exited the classroom, jihyun let out a heaved sigh, "what's up with her?" she muttered.

—next day


it was my first time wearing braids at school. jihyun commented that i looked like dorothy but funnier looking, which only earned her a slap on the leg.

despite that comment, i was confident the whole day. it felt good having a different hairstyle. i don't even know why i decided to put my hair in braids, but i'm happy i did because i've been getting some compliments here and there saying "nice braids."

to be honest... they were all said once i passed by them, so they were probably making fun of me. BUT maybe they aren't! let's just be clueless today, ignorance is bliss.

i'm pretty sure it wasn't the braid's doing, but i kind of forgot about the whole thing that happened yesterday.

it felt like i was finally moving on, except i would still feel a pang in my heart whenever i looked at him.

whatever, that shouldn't matter right now.

my current group for the sports festival was practicing inside the gym, so i asked to go out and get some water, planning to stop by the vending machine to secretly get a snack as well.

when i finished using the water fountain, i walked to the vending machine that was near. i could see my reflection through the glass, so i fixed my hair a bit, stroking down some of the frizziness that was caused by running.

i stopped my actions slowly when i heard the mention of his name near the bathroom's.

"no yeah! it's so weird, like out of all people... why was he picking up garbage yesterday?"

"well he really is a sweetheart, huh. i might start doing class duty too." the other chuckled.

i raised my brow as i listened in, i didn't turn my head to look at them or else i'd probably be approached. i continued to put in my coins and press the numbers in.

sunghoon, doing class duty?

my eyes widened when i realized.

am i stupid?

he took away my stuff when i told him to go away, but i just thought he was bringing it back to class...

i didn't think he'd finish the job for me.

the bag of small chocolate cookies dropped and so i reached down for it, picking it up and opening it right away. i popped one in my mouth and decided to head back.

i wasn't sure if it was the cookies that were so good that i started to feel uneasy, or the fact that sunghoon went out of his way to do that.

i shook my head, denying everything that'd only make me think more and more about him.

anyone would do that.

any decent human would.

i sigh and return back to gym class, but on the way, i hear more loud chattering.

mind you, i'm usually not the type to stop what i'm doing just to eavesdrop, but i guess that changed.

ever since sunghoon, i unconsciously get curious about anything.

just a little mention of his name and i'll stop whatever i'm doing just to listen in.

god, i'm such a loser.

"this is sunghoon's locker, isn't it?" a boy questioned. there seemed to be a bunch of them. they all sounded familiar too.

i was just about to pass by but i stopped at the wall so they wouldn't catch me.

"why isn't it locked? it's slightly open. did he forget to lock it, or did someone figure out his combination?" another asked. they were now trying to lower their voices, i'm assuming they were about to do something suspicious.

the more and more they talked, the more i realized it was his friends. if they found out i was listening in, then they'd probably beat me up or threaten me. just kidding, i dunno if they're that bad yet.

suddenly, i heard the sound of the locker door opening and papers falling everywhere. i almost made sound but i quickly threw my hand to my mouth so i could shut myself up.

"holy shit." they said, "are these his test papers?"

right. i remember he placed last after the test. i still wonder what he got...

but why were these guys acting like it mattered so much?

"the dare, remember? it was about who got the lowest marks in the test. he never got to show us."

wait what?

"whoever got the lowest marks had to date namkyu, and it was sunghoon who ended up dating her. now hurry up and show me what he got." one chuckled, they sounded like niki.

i heard him snatching the paper out of another's hand. i hoped he would say his mark loud enough for me to hear it. if he didn't say anything at all, then i'd be a bit disappointed.

what scores did he get for him to date me?

i was dying to know.

"what the fuck?"

my eyes widened, and i was leaning closer so i could possibly hear better.

"these are all marked zero- and every single page

... is blank?"

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