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guys i'm brain DEAD. pls bare with me 😞

keep staring at me like that, and i'll do it.

"guys!!!" jihyun's voice was to be heard from afar, causing the two to whip their heads towards the loud girl.

jihyun and some others walked towards both of them, eyeing them in confusion before realizing what's going on. "hm, close again?" jihyun asked, smirking.

namkyu turned to sunghoon for a split second, only to feel her face heating up again. just a few seconds ago, he was inching closer to her face.

she gulped, looking at jihyun to answer, "no." she shook her head. if she meant physically close, then yeah, quite literally.

jihyun shrugged, looking down at her hands that were far from empty. "anyway, these are from your fangirls." she said while handing the gifts to sunghoon. namkyu stared at the items, a bunch of letters and custom made hand-held flags. even some little candies for him to top it off.

what confused namkyu was how jihyun accepted to do this for those girls, knowing that she literally just got played by him.

she thought she understood her feelings.

but then again, she thought she was just being dramatic. maybe jihyun didn't think namkyu was that hurt about it. maybe she thought she had fully moved on.

well, she wouldn't have cared so much if jihyun gave it to him without her being there, but still. it stung a bit.

sunghoon had noticed the look on namkyu's face. she went quiet, and sunghoon knew she was feeling somewhat down.

"hey," her wrist was suddenly being held by someone, causing her to stand up. she groaned a bit, probably because of her leg. "you're not gonna be participating in anything for while, how about we go eat?" jungwon asked, grinning in hopes of her agreeing.

he then noticed the pained look on her face, making him worry. he looked down to her leg before sunghoon stood up, harshly placing the items on the floor.

"she already agreed to eat with me." sunghoon interrupted their conversation, excusing her with a lie. jungwon only stared at sunghoon before furrowing his brows, namkyu also looked at sunghoon, surprised with what he just said.

"did she? when?" he asked with a cunning smirk, not believing the guy.

sunghoon glanced at namkyu while anxiously biting the inside of his cheek. "s..since-"

"oh for god's sake, let's just all go. i feel like i'm watching a corny kdrama right now." jihyun interrupted, causing the three of them to shift their attention to the girl who was already walking away.

they followed after her slowly, both of them on each side of namkyu. sunghoon did not wanna leave her side once. he felt like jungwon would just take her away from him if he did.

"namkyu? did that happen because of the fall earlier?" jungwon asked, pointing at her wrapped leg. it was wrapped with another long cloth that sunghoon managed to get from his bag.

sunghoon scoffed before answering jungwon's question, "maybe if you payed more attention to her, you would've noticed." he muttered, loud enough for jungwon to hear.

namkyu let out a silent gasp, wondering what was up with sunghoon all of a sudden. he was acting strange, and she could clearly hear the negative tone in his voice.

she felt as if she couldn't do anything but keep her head down low, hoping she would magically disappear from this awkward situation.

suddenly, she felt a hand slithering it's way around her shoulder, resting on it so casually. "funny coming from you." jungwon didn't bother to look at sunghoon while saying that. you could tell he was purposely doing this to get under his skin. "you're acting as if you suddenly care about her all of a sudden. even after all that." he scoffed, shaking his head while chuckling at the thought.

this only irked sunghoon more, "but i did." he muttered.

"what was that?" jungwon asked, he heard him perfectly, but decided to bitch about it and make him repeat himself so that the girl in the centre would hear it too.

"i cared, the whole time." he finally said before slowing down his footsteps, "fuck, i'm not hungry anymore." he told himself under his breath.

namkyu was about to turn her head after hearing that first sentence, she was about to look at sunghoon until jungwon prevented her from doing so. "what are you doing? just leave him be, he said himself that he's not hungry anymore." jungwon smiled. a fake one. "let's go." he added, continuing to walk with an arm around her shoulder.

sunghoon watched as the two walked away. he could see that she was tempted to look back, which made him chuckle all of a sudden. though, the sight of them together made him sick, how much worse if he had to sit on the same table while looking at them?

truth be told, he actually wanted to come for jungwon's throat, say that he's no better. even thought about exposing the badmouthing he said about her before he even got to know her. calling her 'strange'... but, what good would that do? it'd only make the both of them look bad.
(theyre both... just yikes ok)

right now, he was only left with one choice, or that's what he told himself. he wasn't getting anywhere because he wasn't fucking do anything, but he also wasn't doing anything because he didn't know how. he was simply just going to let his feelings build up until the time comes where he has to let it out.

namkyu on the other hand hated how she couldn't feel present while eating with her 'friends'. she was so bothered, but why? why, in the back of her head, was she still having the urge to go to him? not because of what just happened, but because she'd much rather spend time with him, talk to him, do whatever, with him.

the whole time she sat at the table with the others, she couldn't help but bounce her leg.

maybe he'd come back a bit later.

maybe i should buy something for him so he doesn't have an empty stomach.

it'd only be kind to do so. after all, he did take care of me. same with keeping my drink cold. those little things mean a lot.

but i didn't. i didn't do anything to interact with him for the rest of the day. i just left it to the universe's hands and did nothing.

after eating, and for the remainder of the day, she'd glance at him from time to time, hoping that maybe he'd look back.

though, these glances were all badly timed, causing one to look at the other's direction right after the other looked away.

it wasn't going to be like those movies. those movies where time slows down because fate decides to make both of them 'suddenly' interact.

no. they'd both just do nothing until the time comes where they've both lost their chance to do anything at all.

so even if sunghoon thought about going up to her, and finally thought of speaking to her. it wouldn't happen because he'd let the distractions distract and he'd let the interruptions interrupt. he simply wouldn't do anything and just accept the fact that something got in the way.

it'll be too late when he finally realizes and blames himself for that.

he told himself,

"maybe it shouldn't be easy."

and yeah, it's not.

nothing about this situation he was in was gonna be easy.

but then again, who's fault is that?

"only if you let me try and make up for it."

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