chapter 71

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Wu Dahu was a little helpless. He pondered for a moment, saying slowly, “The trees of peppers in the back mountain are farther than of cumin.”

Though the fact had already been a widespread common view among the villages and town, only Wu Dahu and Song Qinghan knew where they could find the trees.

Hearing that, Song Qinghan opened the door without further hesitation, and at the moment he was about to throw himself into Wu Dahu’s arms, he noticed that his husband was lifting a man who was wearing a strange curtain on head, asking, “Who is this?”

The man cried, saying with a pair of tearing eyes, “Doctor Song, I’m a neighbour of Yunyun!”

Song Qinghan scratched his head in confusion and asked inexplicably, “Who is Yunyun? I don’t know him.”

Wu Dahu lifted the man in a stronger strength intending to force the man to tell the truth, and took off the curtain on the man’s face, saying seriously, “Make it clear! What’s your intention to look for Han so late?”

But when the man was exposed without the curtain covered, both Wu Dahu and Song Qinghan were stunned.

Wu Dahu was stunned because he didn’t expect this person’s face to be full of red scary and ugly rashes while Song Qinghan was stunned because he finally remembered who the “Yun Yun” the man mentioned was.

The man cried and shouted, saying, “Doctor Song, are you going to abandon us now? It’s not easy for Yunyun to recover from the illness we’ve long suffered. And now he is much better than before, you shouldn’t just leave us alone!”

Song Qinghan regained his attention and coughed slightly, indicating for Wu Dahu to let go. He frowned and asked, “How’s Yunyun going? Did he strictly follow my rules?”

The man rubbed his shoulder while showing his teeth smiling, and then said honestly, “Yunyun has recovered now. The rashes haven’t bothered him for nearly half a month. We got no idea what we should do in the follow-up treatments, that’s why I show up here tonight. It takes me a long while to find you, why are you not in Lin Mansion, but somewhere like this shack?”

Wu Dahu realized that this person was met by Song Qinghan and Lin Dafu in the past few days by the force of the so-called contrast. He took a glance at Song Qinghan, and then said slightly, “Let’s go inside and have a seat?”

Although an embarrassment flashed across Song Qinghan’s eyes, he still nodded and invited the man inside.

Although it was indeed Lin Dafu’s decision, more or less on a whim, Song Qinghan wanted to cure the villagers urticaria or else he wouldn’t have made such a bet with You Yunyun.

From that person’s demonstration, Song Qinghan and Wu Dahu found out that his name was Wei Youran. He left the village early in the morning and rushed to the Lin Mansion in the town. But he then found that Song Qinghan was no longer in Lin Mansion, so he just kept asking residents along the way and found this place.

With a whole day struggle for searching, the rashes on his body became more serious. If it wasn’t the curtain on his head, probably he would have been beaten to death being regarded as an ugly monster.

Song Qinghan pondered for a moment and then took a piece of the root of the monk fruit, boiled it with water and waited until it cooled down. And then he applied it to the rashes on Wei Youran’s body.

After a while, he saw Wei Youran was with a motor-mouth delivering an eloquent speech talking about how You Yunyun’s situation became better and better and the rest of the villagers were all inspired again. He couldn’t help telling him the truth, saying, “The direct reason why you are quite vulnerable for catching the rashes is because you are allergic to the sun. So the only way for you to keep away from the rashes is to keep away from the sunlight.”

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