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Those bulky men, the ones longed to escape from the control of Song Qinghan, got their hearts softened at once as they found how pitiful the farm workers were. All of them clenched tight their fists, as if they were all ready and made their minds to fight against the disease for this town.

Song Qinghan moved quickly with a serious and focused expression. He didn’t even give the workers time to explain and started the operation.

Fortunately, it was Doctor Shi who came to explain in time and pacify those farm workers in fright. He and Yuan Wenxuan explained to them that cowpox could be used to be a treatment to cure the disease.

After the operation on these farm workers, Xia Yunfei and Qingfeng came back as well. Behind them followed a cluster of people, all of them crammed in the farm as if a town of zombies were about to attack.

Doctor Shi took the initiative to take over the scalpel from Song Qinghan since Song Qinghan seemed to get an countenance of exhaustion after that.

Probably these people had long buried themselves in a long period of despair, the hopes in their eyes seemed to be dim and meticulous, as if they did not put much expectations on such an operation, otherwise they would sink into another round of endless despair after getting another hit by the reality on their heads.

In this spaciously large and quiet sheep farm, there existed no other noises except the breathing sounds of the crowd and the scratching sound of the scalpel.

Yuan Wenxuan replaced Doctor Shi as Doctor Shi had to get a rest.

And then the bulky men replaced Yuan Wenxuan as Yuan Wenxuan had to get a rest.

And finally, the scalpel was back in Song Qinghan’s hands for several rounds.

After three rounds of the circulation, every resident got vaccinated while the moon hung high in the sky. The night fell quietly.

And then suddenly, there was someone cried among the crowd, “Buddha blesses us, Thank you Miracle Doctors!”. And the rest of them echoed, shouting in a same voice with a sobbing tone, “Buddha blesses us, Thank you Miracle Doctors!”

Song Qinghan wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. His pair of eyes was full of fire of hope while he delivered the crowd a smile of pleasure.

Well, this was the reason why he was eager to be a doctor, not for the gratitude from the patients but the great relief they were able to get out from the death.

It was late at night. Xia Yunfei and the others made the food they brought in from the carriage into dinner and shared to the crowd.

Though all the residents were already vaccinated with the cowpox, they should still stay for the follow-up observation. The group chose to stay right in the farm, they used the back-up quilt to replace the ones they used in the nearby town, and then burned them.

The other people did the same being obedient to Song Qinghan’s orders, they got their new clothes and new quilt from their closet. They would have a warm bath right away if they didn’t get open wounds on their bodies, a bath symbolizing for reborn.

The peaceful night went by fast. The next morning, outside the house came a bustling sound, a group of magpies were chirping as if they were coming to join the jubilant PARTY.

Song Qinghan walked out and saw that everyone had started to clean up the farm and yard. He was quite pleased seeing that everything was seemingly regaining its own vitality.

The owner of the sheep farm died for his misfortune in the outbreak of the smallpox disease, no one here had the right to claim his ownership to these animals. So residents now were dispensing them.

A Western Doctor's Happy Farming Life[1]Where stories live. Discover now