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Song Qinghan laughed out of his wrath, he raised his eyebrows again, saying, “‘Soul extracting powder’ seems to be coming from nowhere from your mouth, are you indeed aware of the drug thoroughly yourself? Then, can you tell us the exact reaction after one takes the drug?”

The man hesitated for a moment and then shook his head, saying, “How am I supposed to know? I never tasted such a thing before.”

“So, you don’t even know what the ‘Soul-extracting’ powder is, and you just claimed that our food come with the ingredient without a further investigation?”

Song Qinghan withdrew his complexion all of a sudden, and then stared at those men coldly.

The men couldn’t help but hunch their shoulders at the same time as they received the menacing look from Song Qinghan.

“What do you want then? We didn’t do that on purpose, yet your current action is actually destroying our business!” one of the men roared.

Song Qinghan sneered and put both his hands on his back, saying leisurely, “Oh, what a great show now! It’s such a surprise to know that you’re not on purpose! Since you claimed that you were not on purpose, then how come I am now described as a culprit doing such a thing on purpose? Destroy your business? What a joke! I just purely want to share the joy with you guys. If you buy our spices from our shop, won’t it be a win-win cooperation for us?”

Those people were in the wrong first. They were threatened by Song Qinghan and now they even did not dare to find the Yamen runners, so now they involuntarily followed Song Qinghan’s line of thought and frowned, “How much is the so-called spices you just mentioned? If you’re going to make an excessive demand, we will definitely refuse!”

Seeing that the fish was about to take the bait, Song Qinghan smiled secretly, but he answered in his calmness, “One silver coin for one pack, we cheat neither the old nor the young with a fairly cheap price. Believe it or not, you can inquire of the folks, they won’t get the price if they want!”

“One silver coin for one pack?!”

Those men exclaimed at the same voice, and then they looked at each other, seemingly waiting for one of them to make a decision.

“It seems that it indeed brings a good flavor? Personally speaking, I like the flavor myself…”

“Yeah, it tastes not bad. But it’s too expensive for just one pack! One silver coin only for one pack, I wonder how long we can use in one pack?!”

“Are you stupid? We can raise the price of our food! Yeah, of course we should raise the price if the food becomes more delicious. I think the customers won’t show their unwillingness towards it!”


When Song Qinghan left the shop, the spices in his arms had already been exchanged by pieces of ingot. And the expression on his face turned into the one of satisfaction.

After returning to his own shop, Song Qinghan made a bow with hands folded in front and shouted, “Those people just came to destroy our business. Believe it or not, you can go to the shop at the end of the alley and check if they are all in there! Moreover, they purchased a lot of spices from me. From tomorrow on, their food will have the same flavor with ours! I promise to all of you that this kind of powder is harmless and edible. If you are still worried about that, then don’t go to their shop either!”

On the way, Song Qinghan heard that the shop owned by those men was the best one among the food stores around them. No wonder that they would do so to malign Song Qinghan and his shop after they noticed their thunder was stolen by him. Yet it was completely out of their expectation that Song Qinghan would be the final winner while connecting the fates of both shops.

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