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Noticing that Doctor Shi was in a dilemma right at the moment, Wu Dahu no longer bother to ask further but said, “Doctor Shi, thank you so much for your time, please save Han in any possible ways when you back in Huichun Shop.”

Getting a bow and respect from Wu Dahu, Doctor Shi could feel nothing better but more guilty, and then he shook his head, saying, “Sorry for my little talent and less learning and for the fact that I failed to make a clear diagnosis. If you get another doctor who gets a way profounder knowledge in medical skills, probably he can figure out what’s haunting him. But please don’t worry, I will surely try my best and check it on every relevant books to see some related symptoms.”

After that, he made a bow with hands folded in front to Wu Dahu, and then left directly.

Yuan Wenxuan accompanied with Doctor Shi to the gate of the house, he pondered for a while but still plucked up all his courage, asking, “Doctor Shi, my Master isn’t quite well recently, so I don’t think I can make it to come to Huichun Shop this time. I will come again if my Master is getting better, and, if you still need one to help you out.”

Doctor Shi looked at Yuan Wenxuan with an emotional combination of gratification and sympathy, and then he nodded, saying, “Good boy, take good care of your master. And REMEMBER! Be obedient to him. Anger hurts liver, hyper excitement hurts heart, sadness hurts lung, worry hurts spleen and fear hurts kidney. KEEP IT IN MIND!”

Yuan Wenxuan nodded with a heavy expression. And just at the moment he turned around and was about to shut the door, he caught a glimpse of Hualian who was watering the flowers. He took a sudden pause on his feet, and then hid himself to the other side subconsciously, fixing his eyes on the suspicious man and peering.

Silence accompanied with Hualian as usual, he just quietly did his own stuff there without words. But it could still be seen that his hands were slightly trembling as if he was hiding something evil and trying his best to calm down.

After finished watering the flowers, he loosened his shoulders and heaved a sigh of relief heavily, and then he turned and headed to the kitchen hurriedly.

Yuan Wenxuan stood still pondering for a while, and then he walked to the spot where the flowers grew while gazing at the kitchen.

He was utterly shocked when he took a look at the flowers. But the next moment he noticed Hualian came out from the kitchen, so he pretended to be like he was just wandering around and then sneaked back in his room.

Hualian took a pause there, he stared at the back of Yuan Wenxuan who was running away as his eyes filled with coldness all of a sudden.

After dinner, Yuan Wenxuan intended to find a chance to tell Wu Dahu about what he had just seen. But, out of his expectation, he felt drowsy and dizzy all of a sudden at the moment he stood up, how he felt now was just like he was rather weak as if he was drunk.

Wu Dahu didn’t notice the strange look on Yuan Wenxuan as he paid all his attention on Song Qinghan. So he didn’t see that Hualian supported Yuan Wenxuan with his one hand leaving the room.

When Song Qinghan was informed that he probably would die at any time, he did not sob or cry any more but stayed calm just like a puppet without any emotions, doing his own stuff mechanically.

Well, he didn’t own this life at all living in this world as an identity of “Song Qinghan”, he knew that the original Song Qinghan and him who belonged to the 21th century were all dead. It was an utter coincident to enjoy the last beautiful bit of the world in this way. So since the FATE was going to deprive him of the happiness, he would choose to accept it without any complaints. He just felt so much sorry to Wu Dahu and Little Shitou, he didn’t want to be a real bad ass to suffer Wu Dahu and bring him another broken family!

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