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When the news of the Imperial Decree withdrawal came, Song Qinghan finally heaved a sigh of great relief, yet the next moment he got tense again.

He took out a pack with several pieces of silver coins within, and stuffed it into the hands of the eunuch who came over to announce, he whispered, “How… about Infanta Hening?”

The eunuch didn’t intend to say anything at first, but at the moment he measured the weight of the pack in his hands a bright smile emerged on his face, and then he said leisurely, “Lord, you don’t have to worry about him, His Highness Hening will head to marry the barbarian king for the peace of the country. He will never ever be a threat to you again, Lord.”

Song Qinghan stood dumbfounded there as if he was struck by lightning, and then he murmured, “Is that true? Did he make that decision by his own or…?”

Noticing that Song Qinghan got a reaction beyond his imagination, the eunuch didn’t bother to say something further but just left with a bright smile.

The atmosphere in the palace became better since Infanta Hening was about to marry for the peace. The Imperial Noble Consort and the Fifth Prince generously awarded every servant. Well, as for those court servants, including the eunuchs, it was just too wonderful for words.

The image of Hening who was always with a causal indifferent face emerged in Wu Dahu’s mind as he saw that Song Qinghan was rather self-guilty there, and then whispered softly, “It’s a truth that he made everything wrong at the very beginning, but at the same time we have to admit that we owe him once for the fact that he finally gave in in this matter, otherwise, probably we have to bear the bitterness ourselves in the end.”

Something flashed in Song Qinghan’s mind and he cried out, “Will he do something silly?”

Well, Song Qinghan would ask so because he knew Hening wouldn’t just give in so easily and show no strive for a chance if he still got a hope and lust for a better life. Promising so directly to accept the deal probably was because that he had already nursed a determination to kill himself. Moreover, he did tend to make a suicide before!

With that consideration, Song Qinghan rushed out directly. Wu Dahu didn’t even have to guess and he knew Song Qinghan’s final direction.

When Song Qinghan arrived at the Hening’s mansion, he found that this place had totally changed. Differed from the scene days ago which came with an ambience full of peacefulness like a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world, the current mansion was bleak and cold.

In the center of its yard stood the lonely Hening, seemingly he was doing something there. Song Qinghan fixed his gaze on him, and found that Hening was releasing the captive birds in the birdcage back to the wild.

For some reason, even Hening released all them out, but those birds were just acting like they knew nothing while making circles around Hening and didn’t want to leave at all.

Hening smiled when he noticed Song Qinghan’s appearance, and then he said softly, “See? Animals do have emotions, they know me as their master.”

Song Qinghan didn’t waste time with him and asked directly, “What’s wrong with you? Are you planning another suicide again?”

Hening raised his eyebrows showing astonishment while saying, “What’s the relation between me packing my package and ‘another suicide’?”

Seeing that Hening was serious by saying so, Song Qinghan paused, and then asked dubiously, “Is it really your decision to marry for the peace of the country?”

“I heard that it’s fun for the barbarians to eat human flesh and get their husband changed frequently. Do you think I’ll be good?”

He answered very quickly and his tone was as calm as ever, as if he was talking about something small.

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