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It was really a shocking news for Song Qinghan to witness burning a living people for the first time in his life. He thought for a moment, and still let out a sigh, saying, “Let’s go check that.”

For what he could know currently from the passer-by, the man who was about to be burnt was accused of criminal ‘Mongrel’.

Well, if the man did really have done something unforgivable, Song Qinghan probably wouldn’t say something to act contrary to the head villager. Yet if the man was innocent…

Song Qinghan clenched his fists tight and he knew that he himself wouldn’t act so indifferently just as these rubberneckers did.

Even Copernicus, the one who made great contributions to the whole world by putting forward a theory of geocentric model, was burnt to death because his opinion challenged the religious church. But currently this guy should be executed because of his identity as a mixed-race person and be vanished from this world?

Seeing that Song Qinghan stepping forward, Lu Sen suddenly approached and stopped him. “Childe, we’d better stay, the execution is quite cruel, and probably it will make you disgusted.”

Song Qinghan paused, then turned to look at Lu Sen. He didn’t miss the struggle in Lu Sen’s eyes and then he raised his eyebrows, saying, “What now? What bothers you since I am not even afraid of that scene at all?”

Lu Sen opened his mouth slightly, but he was choked by words in his throat. What could he say? Should he say that he had been through a similar experience so that he didn’t want to witness such a scene one more time?

If he really said so, probably Song Qinghan would ask him to return the service charge immediately, right?

He touched the pack filled with silver coins in his sleeve, and then finally plucked all his courage up, saying decisively, “Alright! Childe, this way!”

Seeing that Lu Sen was taking a deep breath while stepping forward like he was about to get involved in a fierce battle, Song Qinghan got rather confused,  and then he shouted behind Lu Sen’s back, “If you don’t like to go there, tell me the reason. And I am not that kind of a person devoid of human feelings.”

In fact, he was more curious about Lu Sen’s past rather than to be a indifferent rubbernecker making fun of a misery. His intuition told him that such a cruel matter was not that simple but complicated.

Lu Sen paused, and then turned his head and smiled faintly as his expression had already got its peace back. He waved his hand and said, “Nothing big, don’t worry about me, Childe. It just happens that sometimes I am timid towards the upcoming event. Nothing big!”

Song Qinghan shrugged and didn’t bother to ask again because he had already detected that the secret or truth might have been buried deeply in Lu Sen’s heart. The young man would never talk about it with others so easily except he was stimulated by something specific. So out of curiosity, he would really love to know whether the upcoming execution would be a catalyst or not.

By the time they arrived at the end of the village, almost all the villagers had already gathered there. The crowd was in a turbulence, much more exaggerating than the one which was rushing to a fair.

Within the circle formed by the villagers lay piles of wooden battens which were with crude structures. On the wooden battens hung a guy who seemingly was the one being called ‘Mongrel’ by the rest of them.

Fortunately, Song Qinghan got a pair of good-sighted eyes himself. Otherwise, he probably wouldn’t see the clear look of that mixed-race person.

Sizing up and down on the mixed-race person, he muttered thoughtfully, “High-bridge nose, deep eye socket, curly hair and tall… seems to be a caucasian.”

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