chapter 75

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Considering Qin Aye’s physical situation, Song Qinghan did not ask him to stay to lend a hand. What he only needed Qin Aye to do was to give him a sharper caution and suggestion for a careful postnatal care. And then he urged Wu Dahu to send Qin Aye back home.

Helplessly, Qin Aye kept emphasizing that he was fine and nothing should be worried about his physical situation. But he wasn’t tougher than Song Qinghan on this matter, so he gave up staying for further assistance.

After figuring out the disposition of Little Shitou, Wu Dahu found that the child was not that kind of difficult to take care of. Yet the most nerve-wracking things for him was that the child was starved, or felt cold or hot, or was going to pee or poo.

Yuan Wenxuan, as a new “Resident” in this house, was quite sensible and thoughtful. He rushed to cooked and finished preparing the dinner for the other two. And then he grabbed the booklet to somewhere light and spacious and commenced reading it.

To his surprise, the booklet that Song Qinghan owned totally refreshed his world view. He was quite shocked that this handy and tiny shaped booklet had recorded hundreds of thousands information about something like muscle tissues and blood, including some knowledge that he had never acquired from other books.

He never expected that there existed someone in this world who was able to study human body root and branch. But as for the method of studying such a subject, he didn’t dig deeper and think further, because he thought if he clung to this thought, he might conceive a scenario that Song Qinghan was somehow a “man killer” who dug out organs from innocent people for research.

After all, if someone was a manic who showed an obsession studying the structure of human body thoroughly, what else method he could adopt except taking an existing body?

Days after days, in his recovering period, Song Qinghan only got two missions in a whole day: Sleep and eat, just like Little Shitou did. Though he had gained some weight these days, the fine and full rest had accelerated the recovery on the wound on his belly. Two weeks passed, he finally could remove the threads on his skin.

In the process of removing the threads, Song Qinghan asked Yuan Wenxuan to stay aside and by the way, helped him massage.

Yuan Wenxuan stared at the movements on Song Qinghan’s hands as if he wouldn’t miss any detail from the method. With that pair of bright and piercing eyes, he couldn’t help asking, “It seems quite easy to get the thread removed. Patients are able to do it themselves?”

Smiling, Song Qinghan came to ask and test Yuan Wenxuan with some simple questions. He wasn’t surprised at all that Yuan Wenxuan could answer quickly with right answers and he knew this boy had memorized every single detail in that booklet. So he just picked up a rabbit which featured the fattest and strongest appearance from the cage and then put it in Yuan Wenxuan’s hands, saying calmly, “Treat it as a patient, and give it a shot yourself.”

Even though Yuan Wenxuan was born as calm as a freak, he still couldn’t help shivering as soon as he got the requirement from Song Qinghan. He looked down at the obedient rabbit while being rather hesitated, saying, “Ho…how?? It’s not sick at all, I don’t even think it is good for this innocent animal.”

Song Qinghan raised his eyebrows and asked mercilessly, “Then tell me, when do you think you will have a chance to do an experiment? You should know that a mistake on a rabbit is a far cry from the one on human body. They are two totally different concepts. Do you think that someone will really allow you to have your first time manipulating an operation on him without thousand times of trial and error?”

Yuan Wenxuan lowered his head and said honestly, “No.”

And then it was a long while for him pondering. After he was all mentally prepared, he gritted his teeth and responded decisively, saying, “Fine, I’ll do it!”

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