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Even though Zhai Su was Wu Dahu’s biological femina father, he would definitely show no mercy to him if he dared to hurt Song Qinghan. And in addition, they got no emotional tie at all now.

Finally, the ins and outs of the whole matter came to its end. They found themselves a lodge nearby and got two rooms while they didn’t intend to do anything today. They just wait until it was time for Song Qinghan to have the medicine soup.

Although Little Shitou had been making a fuss for a while as he cried for the milk, he still accepted the fate to eat congee in the end while nobody seemed having a mood to answer him.

Three days passed in a blink an eye, they bid farewell to Doctor Luo, and then took the carriage heading back to the provincial capital.

After they back home, Song Qinghan asked Wu Dahu to get him a coffin. And then he picked up two cobbles from the pond, wiped them dry and then placed them under two sides of his armpit. With the assistance of Wu Dahu and Hualian, he got into the coffin smoothly and lay down.

Wu Dahu found a piece of cloth to tie the Little Shitou on his chest. And then he carried up the coffin on his back in cooperation with Hualian, heading to Zhai Su’s Mansion.

In front of the mansion’s entrance gate stood a guard. The guard jumped out and broke the way, stretching forth his arms. But the next moment a voice sounded inside the mansion.

“Get out of the way! How dare you to block Young Master’s way?”

Wu Dahu looked at the person with a poker face and said coldly, “Where’s Zhai Su? Take me there!”

The butler showed a face of embarrassment as he looked up and noticed the coffin on Wu Dahu’s back, he was completely awed when he looked into Wu Dahu’s eyes which were full of coldness, and subconsciously, he shrank his neck a bit and then smiled stretching his one of his hands politely, “Young Master, this way.”

At the door of the room where Zhai Su stayed, Wu Dahu pushed the butler away who was about to knock on the door, and then he ordered, “All of you, get out from here.”

The butler nodded with reluctance as he saw Wu Dahu was with a face of solemnness. But just as he turned and was about to leave, he shouted loudly out of Wu Dahu’s attention, “Master! Young Master is here with a coffin.”

Wu Dahu glared at the back of the butler who was sneaked away meticulously, he didn’t bother himself arguing with the petty but withdrew his gaze instead.

But thanks to his shout, Zhai Su opened the door the next moment. As he noticed the coffin on Wu Dahu’s back, he frowned slightly, lowered his voice and said, “What happened? Did you take a coffin for me as a greeting gift since it is the first time for you to visit me?”

As soon as he finished the last bit of his words, Wu Dahu pushed open the coffin lid, and Song Qinghan’s pale and bloodless face emerged within the trough gradually. Wu Dahu suppressed his wrath in his mind, saying, “Don’t you want to kill Han? Now, your dream comes true!”

Zhai Su walked over slowly and reached out to grab Song Qinghan’s hand trying to take a pulse. He was shocked as he failed to feel any signs of beat on Song Qinghan’s vessel, “Is he dead?”, he asked so as his eyes were incredibly open.

Wu Dahu clenched his fists and punched heavily onto the lid of the coffin, he lowered his voice,  roaring, “Where are Hualian’s parents? Where did you lock them up?”

Another shock hit Zhai Su in his mind as Wu Dahu became rather outraged with such a violent action. As he was about to lecture Wu Dahu, he got his expression changed, and then asked strangely, “What are you talking about? Don’t tell me that you’re going crazy about his death!?”

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