how did i not know this

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y/n pov
i was walking to school when dark clouds started closing in, now don't get me wrong i love the rain but i don't wanna be wet all day i feel it begin to spit so i steadily pick up my pace to school. holding my hands on my bag straps i feel drops of water begin to hit my face and arms. i was still a long while from school.

the rain begins to become heavier and i pull my hood up over my head and move to walk under the trees so it provides some cover. i go to check the time but when i reach for my phone it's not in my pocket, panicked i pull of one side off my bag so i can twist it around to my front and i dig through it for the lost phone while aware of the rain now getting onto my books. shit i don't find it. i turn to see if i can see it on the path but it's not there. i'm halfway from school and i know i'll probably be late if i don't keep walking.

whatever it's just something i need for work and basic daily tasks. o well. i continue walking in the rain loving the darker atmosphere as cars drive past. with family's enjoying each others company. i've always wondered what it felt like to have a family that well that likes you being there. growing up it felt like taking care of me was just a chore or burden on my parents, so that lead to me growing up to fast and never really finding my home.

the muffin i had for breakfast was really good and i could still taste it in my mouth. suddenly aware of the taste i reach for my drink bottle and take a drink of the water.

wiping my mouth i begin to see the school sign in the distance. i'm glad it's digital and has the time and wether on the screen, as i get closer i read the words. 748  23 degrees (that's celsius idk decent temperatures in Fahrenheit) okay that's good i have 20 minutes until the first bell.

scarlets pov
i walk back into the cafe after forgetting my bag. luckily when i got there the jessie dude came up to me. 'uh ms johansson i believe this is your bag' he says holding out my bag

'it is thank you so much jessie' i thank him giving a smile before going back to my car. sitting in the drivers seat i go through my bag to make sure everything was in there when i come across a phone that isn't mine. i flip it over and recognise the photo in the back. it was a photo of the cast taken on a instant camera prop. i see little horns or halos on top of each of us and smile. i put y/ns phone back in my bag making a mental note to give it to her when she was on set. florence left to go meet up with her manager who she was on the phone with earlier so i headed straight to set.

y/n pov
i rush to the pac (performing arts centre) or drama room and knock on the staff room. my favourite teacher opens the door taking a bite of a waffle. swallowing she greets me

'y/n! feels like i haven't seen you in ages come in' she smiles i smile back and go to sit on one of her beanbags in her office. 'what's up' ms asks something on her mind,

'uh i know teachers aren't supposed to do it but can i borrow ur phone i need to call someone' i ask hoping she will say yes

'sure y/n i trust you' she tells me opening the phone app on her phone and handing it over

'thank you so much' i smile trying to remember scarlets number

'and uh y/n?' she asks and i hum in response looking up at her

'is it true that u left the other day with scarlet johansson AND elisabeth olsen' she asks with a change of emotion. i laugh

'uh yeah, im working with them in a project' i tell her hearing it ring

'wait like an acting project' my teacher squints.

'yeah, im a small actor did i never tell u this' i ask

'what?! no i thought you were just really good, wait what have u done i wanna watch them now, come on y/n why have you never told me this' she says in a rush opening her laptop

scarlet never picks up so i try another one of the casts number

'just look up mine name there will be a list' i tell her hoping anthony will pick up after lizzie and downey didnt, they must be doing a scene

'yello' he says answering the phone

'mackie great, where's scarlet?' i ask and my teacher head snaps up

'doing a scene with the others why?'

'i lost my phone and i might have left it at the cafe this morning, when she's free ask if she knows where it is please'

'what's up with you and the girls always getting food without me but sure kid but if you lost ur phone how r u calling me' he asks confused

'from my favourite teachers phone' i tell him 'oh i have to go schools about to start

'okay give the phone to the teacher i wanna talk to them and then i'll go find scarjo yeah?'

'okay' i then walk over to the teacher who had her jaw to the floor after looking up at her laptop.

'y/n have i been living under a rock how did i not know u were a pretty famous actor??!'she half states half questions

'idk man-ms but uh he wants to talk to you' i say giving the phone over

'who?' she asks putting the phone to her ear. i just shrug with a smirk before doing a 2 finger salute and leaving saying thanks.

a/n this chapter is eh

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