same time

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y/n pov

oh fuck. 

was my first thought. i take the phone stepping a good couple meters away from the rest of the cast out of earshot. 

"real sweet not answering us y/n" my dad laughs 

"where have you run off to, either you come home right now or we will find you and take you home with us. home to your family" 

"im working and im not coming home" i state bitterly. i do not plan on going back there willingly. i have options to stay so whats the point. 

"WE ARE YOUR GODDAMN PARENTS SO YOU WILL DO AS WE SAY YOU UNGREATFULL CHILD" when my mother raised her voice i got a few glances from members of the cast and awkwardly stepped further away 

"no." i simply hang up not wanting to continue the conversation. 

"what did the fokes want" renner questioned 

"eh just asking about home stuff" i shrug, receiving both glances from scarlett and lizzie.

everyone now were finishing up their scenes when lizzie came over to me. perfect timing i had 2 things to ask her. 

"hey sweetheart" she greets me with a hug that i instantly melt into. 

"hi" i mumble into her chest. 

"i was-" we both started at the same time

"you go" i say. 

"same time?" she counters and i nod

"so i was wondering if you wanted to stay at mine tonight" "um do you think i could stay the night at yours" once we both registered what the other said we smiled 

"meet you by the trailers in 10?" she questioned, and i nodded we both headed off to gather our things and say goodbye to people 

i say goodbye as i pass people giving a couple of the cast members a hug as i went to my trailer to tidy it up a tad before i go. 

once there i notice the atlanta forms still sitting in the folder on my table. what if i just asked lizzie. i really considered that now with the closer we got. and i think tonight's the opportunity. i finish packing up the few things i had taking some of my own clothes from the trailer so i dont look like adam Sandler again before heading leaving and locking my door. 

elizabeth comes out a second later from her trailer and we walk to her car. like usual we have music playing either singing, chatting or sitting in a nice silence. i feel myself almost fall asleep against the window. lizzie puts her hand on my knee gently rubbing it to make me wake up more. i yawn sitting up a bit 

"come in sweetheart, you can have a shower and go straight to bed if you want" she offeres but i shake my head knowing i want to call dahlia tonight. we grab out bags and walk into her house. "what are we feeling for dinner" 

"mmm im not that hungry you decide" 

"yeah neither, smoothie bowl?" she poses the idea. i nod never had one but seems interesting 

"sounds good" i smile "need help with anything?" i add

"no thank you hun ill be fine. you go relax explore the house anything" i nod and walk off i go into the living room pulling out my phone to facetime dahlia. 

"hey" i smile when she picked up. 


"oooo what are you playing this time" i smile pulling a blanket over me when i noticed she had her guitar again

"im trying to get the solo in master of puppets " she grumbles obviously frustrated. 

"well show me what you've got so far" almost perfectly she begins playing the beginning right until it gets to the solo where she still does really well. 

she stops playing putting the guitar down and laying back in her bed. we just talk about random things for a couple minutes before lizzie walks in with a bowl. she passes it to me smiling. 

"thank you lizzie" i grin tasting it "fucking heaven" she laughs kissing my head before going back to the kitchen which i know is her happy place  

eventually well 20 minutes later and dahlia had to go for dinner so i grabbed my bowl going back to the kitchen to wash up. there i find lizzie baking something again. before i ask her if she could sign the forms i just hug her. she was surprised at first but hugged me back just as tightly. 

"everything okay?" she asks softly and i nod 

"i just really like your hugs" i explain and well i have a feeling shes smiling, "could i ask a really big favor?"


this was gonna be longer but meh 

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