modeling high

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"my boyfriend was in the national ballet at 7"
"my girlfriend won every surf competition at 6"

"my boyfriend performs for famous celebrities"
"my girlfriend is friends with famous celebrities"

our bickering was cut short when we had to step out. i did the walk pausing and turning at the end before going back.

every age group was going through so charles and i were in the back getting photos done. he's actually really fun to hang out with. 

"now i feel bad for not giving you that pencil"

"bro i was writing with a lead shard for the rest of class you bitch"
"sorry i couldn't be bothered" i laughed dodging his hand.

"well next time i won't ask i'll just take it" he said and i nodded seeing the twins walk past us to show themselves at the end. they spot me however and rush over.

"ah my beautiful niece you did so well out there" ashley said grabbing my face and kissing my cheeks. i blushed and smiled as mk brought me in for a hug.

"we gotta go but your mum is so proud" they said doing a little run to get to the stage.

"the olsen twins are your aunties?" charles questioned highly confused.
"it's a long story" (it is wtf is this book)

the show ended and dahlia and lizzie came back to me. "you were amazing sweetheart" lizzie said hugging me with a grin. i thanked her smiling as dahlia brought me in for a hug.

"charles" she raised an eyebrow as he was staring at us.

"kangaroo" he said back in the same tone.

"what's up with you and your nicknames"
"what can i say i have a talent" he flicked his imaginary long hair.

"i'll see you at school" i said as his driver showed up. he nodded waving as we all headed outside. the paparazzi was horrible. i hated it. when we finally made it to the car my head hurt from the flashing lights.

ashley and mk were in a different car so it was just lizzie dahlia and i. lizzie pulled out of the carpark and turned the radio up a little. 
suddenly a certain song came over the radio and i saw dahlia hide a smirk beginning to lean over to me.

"we had sex to this song" she reminded me A BIT TOO FUCKING LOUD.

my eyes snapped to lizzie as i could see her eyes staring into mine from the mirror thing.
my face grew hot as she didn't say anything.

i was half way into sending a death glare to dahlia when lizzie spoke up.
"at least you can't get pregnant" she sighed.

dahlia let out a small laugh as my face was burning in embarrassment. on the drive back home we stopped and got gyg. unfortunately the good time was cut short when we pulled up to dahlias house and then the group home.

"i'll see you tomorrow mum, thank you for everything" i said getting my stuff.

"see you tomorrow y/n/n" she grins as i hop out of the car.

the second i walk in that door another camera is shoved in my face. god can't i get a break. "there's our model acting superstar, give us your runway walk" lucy said instantly.

"maybe later" i dismissed heading upstairs. i heard her call out to me but kept walking. i really just wanted to nap. 
when i finally sat down on my bed and pull out my phone i have countless messages from all sorts of people.

kevin (marvel)
y/n i know this wasn't your fault but you have to stop them
attachment youtube link

tapping on it i saw lucy had just posted another video.

she was in this room.

looking through the drawers. 

she found a page of scene lists i must've muddled up with school work.

and fucking posted it. 

that shit is confidential for a reason. i felt watched now i knew she had been in here. 

the bedroom door opened and i jumped but settled when i saw hannah walking in. "hey y/n" she smiled at me. 

"hey hannah" i sighed. i need to get out of here. i dont feel safe. but its weird because no i never felt safe with my parents but here feels worse. maybe because this is the whole world could be watching me and not just a few punches that comprise that. 

"was lucy filming all day today?" i asked her and she shrugged. 

"i was at the library most of the day doing my school work" she explained. "i only got back like 10 minutes ago. why what happened" 

"shes posted a video in here and was looking through the drawers and found a list of scenes for my movie giving the world some spoilers". hannah gave me a look which said the same thing i was thinking. 

"there no privacy here, im just waiting to turn 18 so i can leave" she said knowing nothing she or i could do could stop her. atleast while we live here. 

"hopefully tomorrow i get adopted" i said knowing id probably die if i dont. 

we sat in silence as it started to rain after being overcast all day. hours passed and everyone was asleep. "do you care if i smoke? ill do it out the window" she said rolling of her bed. 

i shook my head not caring and looked back up to the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. "is that weed?" i asked her once i could smell it. she nodded sitting on the open window sill in the middle of our room. 

"want some?" she offered blowing a ring of smoke out the window. and i mean, theres a first time for everything. 

i joined her there and took the joint as she lit another one. i didnt cough like i thought i would. i was always around people who smoked growing up so i guess my body was used to it. 

after a few hits i started to feel it.  


i cant wait to finsih this book but then again i never want it to end. this book is such a big part of me now.

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