disoriented lasagne

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we pull into the driveway already seeing scarletts car, walking in of course she left the door unlocked the 3 of them sat on the couch talking and at the sound of the door opening they all look over. 

"AUNTIE LIZZIEEEEEEEE" rose squeals jumping over the couch and running into lizzies arms. scarlett comes over with cosmo in her arms he looks at me confused before reaching one of his hands out to me. scarlett brings him closer and he slings his little baby arms around my neck. with one hand under his butt the other on his back i support the small child. 

once rose was put down she hugs my legs, "ooo wait there i want a photo" scarlett says running back to the couch to grab her phone before sprinting back. we smile for the photo and lizzie gets one as well.

soon we all crashed onto the couch after grabbing some snacks. cosmo was leaning against my chest as i laid down leaning into lizzie. rose sat laying on her mother still quite close. we were watching the parent trap which is such a good movie. and i was gently rubbing cosmos back while lizzie ran her fingers threw my hair. everything felt so natural. 

around an hour or 2 later the kids began to get hungry. "and thats out cue, we better be off" scarlett says 

"what? your not staying for dinner, you might as well, we have plenty of food" lizzie says. they discuss for a bit and they end up staying. both adults end up getting up to make some lasagne or something, now laying on a pillow i closed my eyes the weight of a child ontop of me keeps me from falling asleep. a couple seconds later i feel an other body cuddle up to mine on the couch and open an eye to see rose her leg over mine an arm around my neck. i smile to myself brushing some of the hair out of her face. before closing my eyes again. 

lizzies pov

"so your going to take her tomorrow though right? because the longer you wait liz, the evidence will fade and... i just think its better to do sooner rather than later" scarlett says 

"i know i know, ill take her after filming tomorrow, she almost had a panic attack just thinking about what could happen. i need to talk to her so we can discuss some things" i say having already put in papers to be a foster carer and possibly adoption. 

"you want her to stay with you dont you" 

"of course i do, i mean who wouldnt, shes great. scar really y/ns turned my life around, i havent taken a hit in forever because seeing her happy is all i need" i take a deep breath "what if this doesnt work out tho and after filming thats the last time ill ever see her. or what if i get denied and she ends up in some shitty home that does more bad then good what if-" 

"lizzie look at me, its okay, i cant think of any reasons as to why you would be denied and worst case scenario, she gets put in a home and you cant see her every day but you can still keep in touch. and for the shitty home, that girl is quite comfortable with you im sure if something was happening at home she would tell you now" i take in scarletts words agreeing with her 

after putting the food back into the oven we walk into the lounge room to see the cutest site. scar  was quick to take a photo again we move back into the kitchen so we could talk without waking them 

y/n pov

i wake up feeling so disorientated, like what time is it how am i on a couch and why is there something on me. i regain my senses and instantly smell the smell of food and the weight on my chest to be rose carefully sliding out from under her i get up walking to the kitchen. 

stupid socks, i trip and fall into the corner of a table. biting my tongue to not scream i lie there groaning in pain. usually it wouldn't hurt so bad but with the still healing bruises and shit. yeah not a good combo. 

"are you alright y/n" scarlett asks coming around from taking out the food

"mhmm" i groan not moving 

"do want help up" 

"just gonna lay here" i answer scarlett laughs 

"one does not laugh when one is in pain SCARLETT" this makes her laugh more. eventually i get up and sit at the bench while scarlett plates the food. 

a minute later lizzie walks in from the hall drying her hands on her pants. "how was our sleep sweetheart" she asks kissing  my head


3rd person pov (the parents)

"hi is this mr and ms y/l/n" they speak to y/ns assistant 

"ah yes parents of y/n to what do i owe the pleasure 

"we would like to know which studio y/n will be on tommorow afternoon, we want to surprise y/n" 

"OH right okay, she should be in studio 7 if everything goes according to plan" 

"thank you, you dont know how much this helps us" 

"its no problem goodnight" 



GO READ JUST A FAN GIRL BY marvelislife_death because ITS FUCKING GREAT

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