new rules starting this weekend

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tw abuse torment not being allowed to eat 

y/n pov

"theres gonna be some new rules around here brat" my father states "got that" he adds and i nod. "WORDS BITCH" he punches me in the eye

"i got it" i get out before he punches me again  

"RULE number 1 there will be no talking unless spoken to" he paces "RULE number 2 you are to make the family dinner every night. your expected to clean the kitchen straight after serving am i clear" i nod sitting up to sit against the wall

my father begins to list of the rest of the rules and whenever i couldn't remember it and repeat the rule i got another punch. i could tell it was going to bruise. after 12 rules he was done. finally. my whole body hurt and i could barely see out of my eyes. 

"NOW GO MAKE DINNER" he yells frustrated storming up the stairs. 

i get to my feet eventually feeling very very dizzy. my name getting shouted upstairs makes me push the pain aside and attempt getting up the stairs. 

"hurry up we dont have all night im starving" my mother yelled from the other room. my dad was sat sideways on the couch an arm around the back to he can easily see me out of the corner of his eye. 

i begin making whatever i can find. feeling kinda scatter brained. was all weekend going to be like this?

my phone goes off and i jump to put it on silence. "what was that" my dad asks snapping his head in my direction 

"probably the tv" i say going back to cooking but not making eye contact. 

i put my phone on the bench opposite the stove and check what the message was there was 2 dahlia sending me a video on snapchat and jessie sending me a tik tok. ill have to open them later. i serve the dinner there was some left but that was quickly added dto my fathers plate. my family took their plates to the table as i started to clean the kitchen. 

my parents go up to their room as lila stays down here to watch me. i dont know why. she yawns and knocks a glass over by my feet. 

"oops" she laughs. just as i bend down to clean it up she kicks my back causing me to smash my hands into the glass. 

"dont make a mess y/n" she laughs walking back up the stairs. shit. my hands were all cut and bleeding. at least i was done the kitchen. i sweep up the glass cleaning the bit of the blood off the floor. i take the bins out breathing in the fresh air. quickly going back in the house i double check the kitchen and lounge room before going back to my room.  

again i am grateful that this room is on the other side of the house. i carefully clean up my hands getting the glass out of them. i cant do any more than that as i dont have any medical supplys and my shower isnt working.

it was only 8pm but i was exhausted. 

spider on the walls pov

the next day for y/n was filled with pain, suffering and torment. she looked worse than ive ever seen someone in a movie. there was barely a spot on her back without a bruise, graze or cut. this new rule on her making the meals isnt turning out to well either as at least 1 person always wants seconds leaving y/n with no food. 

the poor girl tried to grab an apple earlier and lets just say that didnt turn out to well. ive already taken it upon myself to make webs in their toothbrushes and shoes. 

that new adopted sister of hers is so easy to take this piss out of to its great. shes scared of me so its perfect. she definitely has alot webs in her hair. 

it was 7pm Saturday may 23rd less than 2 weeks until y/ns 16th birthday i hope she gets out of here by then. she really doenst deserve this. those new friends of hers seem to be good for her tho. she has people to look out for her now. 

y/n pov

for fucks sake. i tried to get 1 apple and now im chained in the basement in immense pain. honestly im shocked at how my parents are acting sure they used to flog me as a child but everyones parents did that right? suddenly i hear the same heavy footsteps of my dad and the basement door slams open. he marches down the stairs unlocking the shackles that had dug into my wrists and back 

"go make dinner" he hisses slapping the back of my head. i get up stumbling into the kitchen. 

"y/n make me a tea while your in there" someone shouts from the lounge. i move around the kitchen as fast as i can getting everything for dinner and whoevers tea.  

i deliver the tea into the lounge room and notice one of my dads coworkers 

"god you look horrible dont ya darlin' " he snickers taking a sip of his beer. i dont say anything and leave the room. 

in the next 20 minutes i finish dinner and serve it. this time there was no leftovers as there was an extra guest. i cleaned the kitchen being forced to listen as they talked bad about me. i felt incredibly weak. my body felt as it was being crushed under alot of weight and again i could barely see out of my eyes. i dont know what i looked like but its probably not the best. 

i collapse to the ground as the world goes foggy. i dont know how i  passed out but when i woke up on the kitchen floor at 11:38pm i realised my family didnt care as they had to have passed me to go to their rooms. 

when all my senses come back i realise there is still loud music playing and the smell of alcohol was strong. i slowly sit up leaning against the kitchen cabinets i see the 3 adults in the loungeroom drunk as hell.  

"y/nnnnn good evening" the coworker grins stumbling into the kitchen for another drink. 

"mhm" i mumble wanting to get out of here but he wraps an arm around my shoulders bringing me back to the loungeroom with my parents. 


so i got covid

anyway one more chapter after this for the wonderful weekend and it will be a good one 

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