the runway

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tw talk of calories and shit

not proof read

2 days later.

court was yesterday and i didn't actually get to be in there. i had to be there and in this room for questions. but they said the first day is really boring.

i was 16 so hopefully i can decide where i go. but from lizzie's strained smile i wasn't too sure.

i was at school right now secretly listening to music at the back of class.
i really wasn't paying attention but i had a shoot in an hour so after this class i was leaving.

dahlia came back from the bathroom and took one of my airpods to listen to music aswell.
her mum called the school to say lizzie would be signing her out so she could go to the shoot with me.

"hey hollywood got a pencil i can borrow" some guy asked unfortunately the nickname from the girls caught on a school after brooklyn called me it in the halls.

it was fine from them but annoying from my classmates.
"no sorry" i told him. yes i did have one but i can't be bothered.

in the last class dahlia was on her phone and it was someone talking about this one edit of me. so i made dahlia recreate it.

she got her favourite edit of me which weirdly she knew which one she wanted right away. and i recorded her as it was how many times have you watched that edit. yes. anyway i posted that to my tiktok and people are blowing up my phone.

the bell went and dahlia and i headed to the office where lizzie already was with the twins.
way to not draw attention.

dahlia and i had our hands interlinked as we left the school. tell me why there was paparazzi outside my school. that has to be illegal and really fucking annoying now they know where i go.

it was a 40 minute drive to the studio and they were asking about our days.
"everyone has started calling me hollywood now" i told them"from liv and maddie" i elaborated starting a thumb war with dahlia.

"it's better than them bullying you though" dahlia said and i agreed. even though it feel like a harassment sometimes.

i beat her in a thumb war and we started hearing about their days. lizzie was smiling while driving which meant she had a good day and the twins were complaining about some fashion business drama.

we got to the shoot and i saw some of my designs i was talking to them about made and ready.

"no way" i gushed doing circles around the piece. ashley stood there with a smile holding her hands up under her chin as MK stood there with a smile watching me admire it.

i went to get changed into it coming back to let them zip it up.
"oh she's just gorgeous isn't she" i heard ashley whisper to lizzie and dahlia as they all looked at me. i couldn't help but blush as i spun in the design.

20 minutes later we were moving locations again to this studio they hired where i was meeting other models the twins hired for their line.

some were as young as 7 but the oldest was 17. i was full of nervousness. some of these kids have probably been doing this for years and would be scarily good. i joined the other models out back and from the chatter i learned we had a practice runway right now.

i was going to walk over to 2 girls my age but when i got close enough to hear their conversation i didn't want to be apart of it.

"ugh, i'm on a limit of 400 calories a day your lucky your mum lets you have 700"
i didn't know what to do so i stood there halfway between where i came in and the girls.

"hey hollywood" i hear a familiar voice from behind me.

spinning around i see the boy from my class earlier. the one i didn't give the pencil too.

"you model?" was my first question.

"shocked to see you here too, and yeah i clean up pretty nicely for a shoot" he explained and i nodded.

"sorry what's your name?"
"charles" he smiled holding his hand out.

"y/n" i shook his head and he rolled his eyes with a laugh
"who doesn't know that"

the twins come in with some other adults who bring out wracks of clothes.
i follow everyone else as the boys and girls get into separate lines to collect their outfits.

i grabbed mine recognising it as one i designed with them the other day and i seriously wonder how they make it so quickly.

i put it on and we all sit down in vanity's beside eachother as makeup artists come out.
this whole experience was surreal and happening so fast.

charles and i kept talking and he was telling me about his parents how they were the classic "asian parents" that want him to be a doctor and don't think modeling is a real career.

honestly he has the looks for it and he showed me some of his stuff so he clearly is already making something out of it.

"what are your parents pushing you to do" he asked me. and it took me a second to think about it.

"my mum just tells me to do what i want, my acting career is pretty stable right now so future is for future me to worry about" i explained and he nodded

i heard a synced squeal and spun around to see the twins hugging lizzie over and over and i figured it was some sister news thing.

turning back to face the mirror the makeup artist comes back to me adding eyeliner.
"who's that" i pointed to the polaroid in the back of charles phone.

"my boyfriend, he's a ballarina, sorry a male ballet dancer" he corrects with a laugh. i nodded looking at the blond in the photo.

"and who's that" he asked the same question referring to the second polaroid in my phone case.

"my girlfriend, she's a surfer, sorry a national champion surf legend" i told him trying to keep a straight face.
"you trying to one up me" he nudged me as we all got up to get in line.

"me, never" i shook my head. standing behind him and the wall.

this is so scary.

a/n this chapter was gonna be the adoption but now my plans changed.

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