real life nightmare

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y/n pov

i wake up to my phone ringing. as to not disturb dahlia. i grab it getting up and walking out. standing in their backyard not weird at all. i finally check who called me.

it was lizzie. why was she calling me at 6 in the morning.

"y/n can we talk" i hear lizzie ask me through the phone. my nerves skyrocketed. wondering if i did something wrong to get a call so early. especially when she knows i'm at dahlias and probably sleeping. this made me think it was really important.

"yeah what's up lizzie" i asked nervously. looking at the ground.

"i've decided your too much. i don't want you living with me anymore. i can't do that to myself. it's exhausting having you around" lizzie said casually.

my heart shattered.

when i finally thought someone actually cared this happens and lizzie of all people. the person who brought me the most comfort even after my parents did what they did. and now she's telling me to leave.

she's acting just like them.

"i've packed your things their outside for when you get back"

"lizzie" i sobbed "what-when did you think of this"

"i've always thought about it y/n everyone in the cast has. your too much to deal with. it's so infuriating having you around set. i can't wait to finish this movie and get you out of my life"

"your so emotional. and so self centred. you come to me rambling about your day and any little thought you get. you have no fucking filter and you talk to much"

"what do have to say. huh do you disagree with me y/n"

i couldn't bring myself to answer i just hung up on her. i felt numb i really didn't know what to do it say. this is so all of a sudden.

eventually i decided to go on a walk. i left dahlias having little to no idea where i was.

half an hour into walking i hear footsteps behind me.

i started walking faster not wanting to find out who was behind me. their pace quickens as-well and soon enough im in a full sprint.

the footsteps get louder and louder. until their right behind me. i spin around.

it's them

"your oh so caring lizzie told us where you'd be sweetheart" my father grins. flipping open a pocket knife. i back away but before i can get far my mother shoves a bag over my head.

i feel myself getting shoved into the back of a car. they don't knock me out. so i'm struggling and screaming the entire ride.

eventually the car stops. let me tell you being dragged through gravel and down stairs is not fun.

i can't believe lizzie told them where i was. okay i understand everything else she said i had been told that my entire life.

but i told her everything about my parents and what they did. but she still gave my location to them

the bag got pulled off my head after i was thrown into a chair. i look around the place to see a very familiar place.

my parents basement.

at first it was the usual. the yelling the insults. the hitting. but then my dad pulled out a gun.

he held it to my forehead.

y/n pov
i shoot up in bed. breathing heavily. tonight's nightmare was as bad as usual which definitely fucking confused me. usually when i sleep in the same bed as someone my nightmares lessen.

so to have such a bad nightmare here it was 1 embarrassing and 2 unexpected.

i felt a hand in my back and that made me flinch spinning around. i focus my eyes to see dahlia looking at me worriedly. all i can do is stare at her blankly.

"y/n/n, babe can you here me" she soothes. i don't respond. so she moves sitting infront of me.

dahlia puts a hand on my knee reassuringly looking at me with a soft patient smile.

i just start crying. that's the only thing i could do. it felt so fucking real.

dahlia pulls me into a hug. this wasn't the first time i've broke down infront of dahlia. the first time was in like the first or one of the first days i met her. now that was kinda awkward.

by now dahlia has seen me cry a few times. over movies. on the weekly mental breakdown at 3 am the usual.

it really helped i had told her about my parents.  not as much as lizzie knew but enough she knew what they did and what they were like.

"your safe. it's okay y/n" she comforts not even knowing what the nightmare was about.

around 5 minutes later. i stopped crying staring blankly at the wall. "lizzie said i was too much and sent my parents my location" i explained shortly.

"oh darling. that won't happen okay. lizzie loves you to much. remember that yeah. and your parents are gone okay"

i just nodded. pulling out of the hug. sometimes i really hate the way my brain works. i know these things. i know lizzie wouldn't do that. it's just. it's just annoying sometimes.

i look at the time to see it was only 6am. dahlia doesn't even seem tired despite her only getting 2 hours of sleep.

"i'll be back" i mumbled walking to her bathroom. i washed my face rubbing my eyes a bit trying to look atleast half decent.

i walk back out to see dahlia on the bed with her arms out. i smile tiredly slowly shuffling over to her.

i feel the need to sneeze. so i pause. "nope it's gone" i sniffle and make it to the bed. laying on top of dahlia.

she wraps her arms around me making me smile.

"thank you" i mumbled. against her chest

"for you anytime" she brushes her fingers through my hair. and i close my eyes falling asleep.

dahlia laughs at me. "heyyy i need my beauty sleep" i defend.

"of course. go back to sleep babe" shes says with amusement. i huff in annoyance before actually going back to sleep.

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