midnight movies

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scarletts pov

i had just put cosmo down rose was at her dads and i was about to relax watch a movie and have a beer with colin when said husband ran into the room holding my phone 

"its lizzie" he says holding it out to me

"its 11pm" i say usually the day before work lizzie would be sleeping now. 

"hey lizzie" i greet walking out of his room and to the kitchen.

"im not interrupting anything am i" she asks nervously and it sounds like shes on the verge of tears 

"no i just finished feeding cosmo whats up?" i ask concerned. i look up at colin who was also concerned by my expression. 

"its y/n" she breathes, now im hella confused 

"what? what about y/n" i ask she breaths heavily and i take my phone from my ear pressing the face time option. she accepts it and i can see shes about to start crying. i move to the lounge taking a seat and holding the phone infront of me

"i- i cant say. but she didnt tell me what happened. i have a hunch on who hurt her-" she speaks in sentences that didnt link

"hurt her?!, lizzie is y/n okay, what do you think happened"

"i know i have no right to say it but i think it was her parents. she has so many bruises, scar. cuts welts its horrible. she was really pale" she briefly explains i look up at colin who was behind the camera horrified. 

"did you take her to the hospital" lizzie shakes her head and explains the call and everything. 

"go" colin whispers to me

"what?" i question this weekend was for us we hung out it was amazing 

"shes your best friend scar, right now she needs you. you can help with y/n as well. its okay really" he insists. 

"i love you. your so understanding, thank you colin" i hug him 

"i know" he smirks "i love you to, text me when you get there" he says, i kiss him goodbye, grabbing my keys and phone 

"so she sleeping now though" i clarify driving the 5 minutes to lizzies house

"yeah up in the guest room" lizzie tells me

"what are you going to do" 

"i" she pauses "i dont know"

"well you still got time to figure it out" i say walking into her house. she looks at me shocked as we were just on call. it was an open plan so you could see the couch from the entrance. i walk over to lizzie and pull her up into a hug. 

"can i see her?" i question she nods wiping her eyes and leading me to the stairs. she opens the door and turns on the lamp as to hopefully not wake y/n. oh my god. i look over to lizzie and she tells me she had the same reaction. y/n stirs a bit so we leave the room

"i didnt expect it to be that bad" i say still thinking of her. 

"i know i cant belive some one would do that, its horrible" lizzie says. 

we go back to the lounge room and continue to talk. around an hour later y/n stumbles down the stairs still looking tired. 

"oh hi scarlett?"

y/n pov

i woke up not knowing where i was but quickly remembered i was at lizzies, i herd talking down stairs which was weird because i thought lizzie said she would be in her room. it had only been an hour. i find the stairs and go down to the main area. 

"oh hi scarlett?" i greet wondering how and when she got here 

"hi y/n" she smiles sadly. and than i remember how i look

"how are you feeling" lizzie asks patting the spot next to her i shrug and i go to sit down leaning on her shoulder. 

"not to bad, still hurts" i tell her. the two seem to have a conversation with their eyes "did i interrupt you two? i can leave if you want" i offer

"no your fine sweetie" scarlett assures. elizabeth turns on the movie luca and we all watch it who cares is it was midnight. 

"ill be back im going to the toilet" scarlett says getting up "you dont have to pause the movie" a couple seconds later lizzie turns to me. 

"do you want to help me grab some snacks?" she asks smiling. i nod and we get up to go to the kitchen. it was a veryyy nice kitchen with alot of space to cook and bake. 

"whats in here" i ask 

"oh those are the brownies i made feel free to have some" lizzie tells me grabbing crackers. 

"come on adam sandler" lizzie laughs as we gathered the snacks and brought them back to the lounge room. just as scarlett walked back in. we all got comfortable under blankets i was inbetween scarlett and lizzie watching disney movies honestly the best ending to this weekend. 

but the question stands do i have to go back? 



maya hawke kinda fine

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