wobbly mugs

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y/n pov
"i dunno whatevers easiest doll" i shrug. she laughs and nods clearly having an idea. dahlia pushes her sleeves up to her elbows and wipes her hands on her legs. she pulls me over to the boxes and grabs one of the bags of clay. she unwraps the plastic around it and uses some wire thing to cut a piece off the corner of the block. then she hands it to me and instructs me to do the same. cutting off the same amount of clay it leaves the block in a house shape.

we walk over to the pottery wheels in the corner there was 2 of them which was perfect. dahlia softly hummed the chorus of the song and i smile to myself talking a seat across from her. she puts the clay down before gathering a couple more things placing them within arms reach from us.

"ready y/n/n" she smirks with an evil glint in her eyes. i nod slowly giver her a look before we both start laughing. back in black starts blaring and the tony energy radiates off this song now. she explains how to centre the clay and all that and well can't say it's going well but it's going.

i get it into the cylinder shape it's meant to be before dahlia tells me i have to like make a whole in the middle to hollow it or something. she shows me first with hers going slowly before telling me to give it a try. i tried it but it is much harder than it looks. the speed wasn't right or something but the clay collapsed.

"can i help?" dahlia asks i nod annoyed at how this didn't want to work. she wheels her chair over behind me. it was so close i could feel her breath on my neck. she wraps her arms under mine guiding my hands on what to do. i was glad she was behind me because i could tell my face was heating up.

"a little bit faster" she says putting her foot on mine to speed up the wheel. easily enough the clay resembles the cup shape like dahlias.

"that wasn't to hard" i nod as she wheels back over to her space. she nods with a grin. she says the rest is in my hands now i can make it into any shape by moving the clay and do whatever. i nod and we fall into a comfortable silence making our mugs.

i thought mine was going pretty well it was all wiggly and cool looking with pattens of grooves on the sides. however when i look up at dahlias and my mouth falls open hers was the most elegant and smooth cup with dips and patterns better than i've ever seen.

"i'm sorry i didn't know i was hanging out with picasso" i laugh. she looks up clearly breaking outta her focused daze and takes a second to respond.

"oh shut it" she laughs "years of practice babe"

"how do you get it so smooth and shit" she points over to a bucket of water i think. idk liquid stuff. (forgot if it actually has a term )

"dip your fingers in that and run it over where your working. the water helps smooth it" she answers with her head down but i can hear amusement in her tone. sure enough it works and my mug gets a lot smoother and even more cool looking.

after we finish we let the base sit for a couple minutes to harden before making the handles. washing our hands in the sink we sit down on a red couch they had by one of the walls in the studio.

"so your really leaving on monday" dahlia asks dramatically turning her head over to look at me. i smile at her raising my eyebrows.

"yeah after our drama final i think someone is picking me up from school straight to the airport" i sigh

"but there's only one week left of school then we got holidays" dahlia whines. i laugh and roll my eyes.

"it's only a month or two" i counter dahlia groans again throwing a pillow at my face

"why must you be such a good actor"

"why must you be such a good artist, i mean LOOK at your mug love, that's amazing" dahlias turns away smiling

"speaking of the mugs we should probably make the handles. unless you don't want them" she adds sarcastically

"what's a mug with out a handle" i counter "nothing in there aye" i knock her head, she swats my hand away and we grab some more clay for the handles. walking over to the wheels however i trip on a rug sending dahlia and i to the ground.

i manage to fall on top of her our faces merely centimetres apart. "falling for me already y/l/n"

well well well 😏😏😏

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