its to hot

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parents pov

we followed y/n and that actress lady around the shops. the lady was buying y/n lunch which the bitch definitely didn't deserve. she made y/n smile and she genuinely looked happy.

"ill fucking slap that smile right of that bitches face" angela sneers from next to us. "lila, sweetie go order us food" she changes her tone and lila nods putting a hat on and walking over to hungry jacks (they seem like hungry jacks people)

we continue to watch y/n with pure hatred. that daughter of ours ruined our lives and we will forever have the burden of her on our shoulders.

y/n looks around again and we quickly hide our faces. fuck her being paranoid she could sell us out.

her and the lady get up grabbing a couple bags they had and leave at the same time lila came back.

"what took so long" mike scoffed snatching the bag and setting all the food on the table.

"sorry" lila said with her head down.

y/n pov
i woke up with a horrible headache. and very hot. i kick the sheet of me trying to cool down.

my nose was blocked and over all i was just feeling worse then before.

still to hot i pulled my shirt of left in a bra and pants. i really needed some water for my throat.

instead of bothering lizzie. i attempted to get out of bed.

i rolled my legs off the side using the bed to stand up. i felt lightheaded instantly, my muscles were aching as i tried to walk to the door.

trailing against the wall slowly i made it to the stairs. holding onto the rail tightly i step down each step slowly.

when i got downstairs i leaned on anything to get the the kitchen. the lights were to bright and was not helping my headache.

"hey y/n how you feeling" lizzie answered before spinning around from where she was cleaning a pot. that's when i noticed the soup on the bench. "y/n?" she questioned placing a hand on my back

i looked up at her. and she could tell everything. i don't know how she does it.

she leads me over to the couch gently helping me to sit down. before she came back with a large drink of cold water, wet face washer and the bowl of soup.

lizzie's pov
i herd y/n come down stairs. so i assumed she was feeling better as why would she get up if not.

but when i turned around she looked well. she looked like shit. she was sweating her face was pale. i could tell the lights were bothering her and the way she breathed through her mouth told me her nose was blocked.

"sweetheart. what do you need" i asked coming closer to her "y/n " i asked placing a hand on her back. her skin was very warm.

she looked up at me her eyes told me everything. slowly i led her over to the couch before rushing back to the kitchen.

i grab a face washer running it over cold water while i make her a drink and grab her food.

i gently wipe the cloth over her forehead and her face down her neck and across her chest. she was really burning up.

"here" i gently lift the glass to her lips. she drinks atleast half the cup.

gently brushing the hair out of her face i tuck some behind her ear. "this is why we don't go in the rain for to long sweetheart" i kiss her head going to cool the face washer again.

when i get back she's on the floor shakily eating  a spoon full of soup. i sit on the couch behind her gently putting the cold cloth on the back of her neck.

i wipe her back trying to cool y/n down. i reach over to the side table next to me and grab the panadol.

i pop out two and hold them infront of her. "take these sweetheart. it will help"

she whines taking the medicine with the rest of her water. y/n was never one to like taking medicine i don't know why.

after that she continued eating the soup and she finished around half of it. "mama it's so hot" she groans. wiping her face again.

i feel her forehead and she definitely has a high temperature but i don't think she has a fever.

"do you want to go have a bath it should cool you down" i offered. she just shook her head. leaning back against the couch.

i softly ran my fingers through her hair as she sat there clearly uncomfortable.

"do you want to sit outside then. it's colder. and the fresh air will we good for you" i tried giving her options as i knew she didn't like feeling all icky.

she nodded so i got up holding a had out to help her up. she didn't make a move to get up.

"to tired" she mumbled closing her eyes. i smiled picking the teenager up and out to the cool air.

i laid her on the outdoor couch as she closed her eyes probably falling asleep. i took out my phone sitting beside her. as if it was instinct she lays her head on my lap.

all of a sudden i get an incoming call from scarlett. perfect timing. 

"hey" i whisper.

"hey sorry bad time?" she questioned. also whispering.

"y/ns asleep" i showed her the sleeping teen.

"oh is she okay"

"she's got some type of cold" i answerd looking down at her again. "what did you need"

"uh it's fine. i'm just going to send you the articles. read them when you can" articles. this can't be good.

we say our goodbyes and i finally get the messages that scar sent through.

"MARVEL STAR ELISABETH OLSEN SEEN HAVING LUNCH WITH FUTURE A LISTER Y/N Y/L/N.     but get this. the teens parents spotted watching the pair from afar with scowling faces. what's the drama? click here to find out..."

oh shit.

so very slay.

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