christmas eve

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it isn't christmas season so this is half assed
also not proof read

december 23rd

3rd person pov.
lizzie woke up at around 8am her mornings getting later due to the cold weather. she gently moved y/n off of her before going to the kitchen for a morning cup of coffee.

there she saw her brother and sister along with their dad all already awake.
"hey lizard" ashley greeted

"morning ash" she gave her a side hug before doing the same to her dad. she poured herself coffee and they all continued a conversation.

"where's the new addition" james said.
"she's sleeping and she has a name" lizzie said shaking her head.

"i never expected you to adopt, i always expected you to have kids with that musician" her dad said with a laugh.

"well that didn't happen" she said frustrated. soon enough more family members woke up. most people had plans with their partners and what not today so it was left to lizzie, y/n.

y/n woke up at midday and stumbled out to find the apartment empty. she walked around but couldn't find anyone until lizzie emerged from some doorway.

"good morning sweetheart" she greeted walking towards the teen with her arms open. y/n crashed into her arms.

"i was thinking we explore the town a little, if your up for it. i know you've always wanted to come to new york at christmas"

"sounds perfect" y/n said not pulling away from her mothers arms just yet. "i missed you" she said quietly.

"i missed you too sweetheart" they rocked side to side before pulling away.

"do you want something to eat, or do you want to go find somewhere while we explore" y/n chose the second option and went to get ready.

she dug through her half of lizzie's suitcase finding an outfit that she liked. y/n walked into the bathroom pulling out the ourself for her skincare.

she took a photo to post tagging them as the products were finally out.
the duo finally left the apartment heading down the streets of new york.

paparazzi were worse here but they hadn't been harassed yet. only noticing them taking photos.
y/n adored walking through the busy paths dusted with snow.

they settled into a cafe lizzie ordering another coffee and a danish while y/n had more of a breakfast.

afterwards they went on doing some shopping, exploring. they went to several famous buildings because you might as well.

it was the late afternoon when they got back to the apartment and when they stepped inside the heater was already on.

y/n hung up her jacket beside lizzie's coat and they walked further into the apartment to find everyone in matching pyjamas in the loungeroom.

"look what got delivered, yours are in your room" trent said and even that dog had one.

y/n pov
after changing into the pyjamas that had your initial on the front we all settled on the couch for a movie.

i could smell dinner in the oven and it felt like out of a movie. and by that i mean literally when i film christmas scenes because i haven't had a family christmas since i was little.

december 24th

i woke up and it was christmas eve. i didn't know what was happening but apparently the family had all sorts of traditions.

like right now it was 10am and we were decorating gingerbread houses. i didn't know people actually did these outside videos.

mine wasn't going too well but neither was a lot of peoples so it was fine.
"stop eating the decorations" jarnie said to ashley who kept snacking. everyone laughed singing along to the christmas music in the background.

lizzie kept looking at me every now and again with a smile on her face i pretended not to notice only catching her stare a couple times.

after we finished decorating we smashed the least appealing to make into something else they had as a family recipe and started eating the others.

"thank you for welcoming me into this" i whispered to lizzie as we got a quiet moment.
"of course sweetheart, your family now so get used to it" she laughed. "i'm glad your here" she said wrapping her other arm around me and kissing my head.

by the evening there was an amazing sunset and we all gathered for a family dinner.
i don't think i've ever eaten so much food in one sitting and there was still left overs.

and it wasn't even christmas yet.

at 8pm i was stuffed and wanted to go crash in bed. "i'm going to go to bed, goodnight ma" i said getting up.
"goodnight honey"
"goodnight y/n"
"night kiddo"
"sweet dreams darling"

everyone started saying goodnight. i had to smile and leave before i started crying.
my phone started ringing and it was dahlia.

"merry christmas eve mi amor" she laughed before seeing me almost crying.

"everyone's just so nice" i explained wiping my eyes. she understood and we caught up. the 15 hour time difference was killing us.

it was already 10am christmas day for her.

the family had been for a morning surf before everyone else gets to the beaches before going back home for gifts and breakfast.

right now everyone was putting their stuff in their rooms and playing with their new stuff. so she could call me.

i asked her to give me a haul which she did. her family actually know her so well everything she got she either needed or wanted.

an hour later i needed to sleep and she went to go help her mum with lunch.
"goodnight love" she blew me a kiss from across the world before hanging up.

after the next chapter or 2 it's just me working on THE ENDING i'm hoping it will only take maybe 10 chapters all together.

so yes the never ending way to long 12 hour book is actually coming to an end

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