familiar cafes

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they end up going to the same cafe y/n scarlet and flo went to the other day. y/n had fallen asleep in the 5 minute ride. getting an hour of sleep probably not the best idea. 

'hey i been here' she smiles stumbling to the same booth they sat last time. 

'looks like we got a seat' lizzie laughs, y/n puts her arms on the table resting her head there as well. lizzie whispers something to y/n making her groan before turning back to dahlia 'so dahlia after y/ns rambles yesterday i herd you like marvel' lizzie says taking the opportunity to embarrass y/n. this only got her a subtle kick in the shins from y/n. dahlia smirks and answers

'you talk about me how embarrassing' she laughs, lizzie laughs to before answering 'yes i do like marvel, it keeps me sane' 

'you should come to set one day after school then meet the others' she offers and dahlia almost dies, before realising something 

'wait, how did you two meet' dahlia asks 

'on set' y/n yawns leaning over into dahlia more. dahlia was almost exploding, until a waitress comes over 

'good morning guys, what can i get for you today' a short girl around 5 foot asks, curly brown hair was pulled back loosely a couple strands fallen in her face. y/n wakes up like she has risen from the dead. 

'mmm orange and poppy seed muffin please' y/n orders the same thing as last time. the waitress writes it down as the others make up their minds. 

'ill have the same thank you' dahlia adds. 

'and ill just have a coffee' lizzie looks down at the waitresses name tag 'thanks ty' she smiles. 

'ill be right back with your orders' the waitress ty leaves with a smile to the back. 

'when do you guys start school' lizzie asks

'830' y/n groans thinking its to early.

'well ill drop you guys off after this, if your okay with that of course dahlia. y/n has to accept the ride' lizzie laughs getting another kick in the shins.

'why?' dahlia questions 

'because i showed up once a little wet from the rain and lizzie said next time im offered a ride by one of them to accept it because she doesnt want me getting sick or kidnapped' y/n says in a monotone voice 

'you were drenched head to toe, if you were to be like that a little longer you would have been sick' lizzie says back 

'mhm' y/n yawns. 

the orders come and they all begin eating. or well lizzie  stirs and drinks her coffee. mostly they sat in silence until 2 twins came up and jump scared y/n' 

'ah wtf guys' she groans after falling on the floor, jessie and jamie laugh and pull her up into a hug. she yawns and gets back in her seat leaning again on dahlia. jessie and jamie pull up a chair. 

'so whos this' jessie smirks, jamie was out of her mind about elisabeth olsen sitting with y/n

'dahlia this is the twins, twins dahlia' y/n says folding her muffin wrapper. 

'y/n how do you know so many good looking celebrities' jamie asks, elisabeth laughs shaking her head. y/n kicks jamies knee 

'work' she answers. and the twins laugh. the group talks for a couple minutes.

'back to work!' the twins mother laughs coming down stairs, there was very few in the cafe. 'hello again y/n'  susan laughs kissing her head

'hello' she greets ' and susan, i thought you guys didnt employ people, only family' y/n asks lifting her head

'we dont but ty is jamies girlfriend which makes her family and asked for a job' she smiles. y/n nods as she leaves

'well i have to get you two to school so come on' lizzie pays getting up. 

they all walk out of the cafe, surprisingly not bothered by paparazzi and get into lizzies car. 


short but there

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