2: Read The Fine Print

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"I'm taking the role." Taiya announced the moment he entered the car the next day. 

Mori, who was in the driver's seat, raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Really? I thought you said it didn't suit you?". 

"I'm a good enough actor it doesn't have to suit me." The teen replied, "Besides, I need a break from all this.".

"From the parties yes. From your parents, probably even more." Mori admitted as he pulled out of the driveway. "Honestly I'm halfway to notifying social services.". 

"Yeah but you wont. You don't want any more scandals than I already have." Taiya laughed. Mori clenched his fists around the steering wheel. 

The brat was right. He was supposed to prioritize Taiya's reputation above all else. That meant not trashing the reputation of his mother, who's very much in the public eye. Not that she's not already considered trash. 

Everyone knows Taiya's just another child actor burnout, but he's too talented to let go. He's too good an actor to skip over during awards ceremonies because of his scandalous reputation. 

That shit bothered Mori to no end, but its not like managers are mandatory reporters. 

The man sighed as he drove past the massive houses. It was crazy to think Taiya had bought his family's home with his own money at 12. Fucking insane. But also insanely fucked up. 

The moment they got to the agency, Taiya leapt out of the car. Immediately he was bombarded by the clicks of cameras and quick flashes of light. It was pretty routine at this point. 

He always dressed for it too, making sure he looked 'put together' so to speak. Designer brands sent him clothes just so he could appear in front of paparazzi with them on. Of course today was no different. 

He smiled for the cameras, waved and bowed a little to those he remembered had been in the business for a while. 

His seniors in scandal making. 

Once inside he greeted the doorman and security officers before marching his way over to the nearest elevator. Mori rushed past everyone, trying to catch up with the teen. He barely got in before the doors closed. 

"I was trying to ditch you, if you didn't notice.". Taiya spat. Mori sighed and furrowed his brow. 

"When are you going to grow the hell up and realize I'm necessary?". No response. That was a 'never', then. 

The elevator dinged and Taiya stepped off, walking quickly towards the C.E.O's office. He threw the doors open, uncaring that several people, including the director, were already hanging around her desk. 

"Give me the contract to the new movie." He demanded. Ms. Shimizu laughed at him, seemingly charmed by his antics. 

She was the one who had taken him on as a child actor at five. Ms. Shimizu was kind of insane too, putting up with every scandal and article made about Taiya. 

"You know you could have asked my secretary. I'm in the middle of a meeting." She said with a smile. "But here.". 

"You're seriously taking the role?" Azuma asked excitedly. Taiya nodded, taking the contract and signing on the dotted line without a second thought. "Well now that that's settled, we've got some work to do.". 

"Right away?" Taiya asked. Azume smiled mischievously. 

"Right this minute." He sing-songed. 

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Smoke And Mirrors (BNHA x Male OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz