40: Little Terrors Pt. 1

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Getting back into his hero outfit after a while felt...uncomfortable to say the least. 

He hadn't fully considered what malnutrition meant, or what the now month and a half staying in the U.A dorms meant. Dr. Okimoto had cleared him of both of those. Apparently he wasn't so underweight that he needed months to gain it back. However, he had said that being in the 'normal range' for Taiya meant barely anything. Weight fluctuated and sometimes it was an inaccurate measure of how his metabolic system was doing. 

Regardless, Taiya was just going to say he was a success story now and ignore it. 

He had come to the understanding that he didn't really know what the fuck his body was supposed to look like anymore. 

Dr. Okimoto had tried to explain it to him, that the reason he thought he gained weight in the first place was because he did, muscle mass. Then he lost a bunch of it and was on the verge of losing some of that muscle mass but somehow maintained it. Taiya figured it was probably all the exercise he did in Korea. 

After a month straight of just putting weight on, which he was trying really fucking hard not to think about, things were a little different. 

"Mother fucker." He cursed under his breath. There was a cross strap across the chest of his outfit, and one of them was just not fucking cooperating. 

Sighing, he loosed the strap opposite it and managed to click them both shut eventually. He had never really had any sort of muscle bulk before. Also, he had thought it was completely impossible for someone to get muscles this quick. Although looking back at photos of himself before the training camp he was probably even buffer back then despite his diet. 

Dr. Okimoto said it was his quirk that made all the difference, that he was probably supposed to have a much more muscular body type than he did. He thought it was bullshit since its not like he was a snow leopard all the time but he knew pretty damn well that some traits carried over both ways, and metabolism was probably one of them. 

"Are you alright Tachib-Enomoto?" Todoroki asked. He had just finished getting dressed himself. 

"Yeah, just haven't worn this in a while." Taiya sighed. "And you can just call me Taiya, or Tachibana or Enomoto. Whatever you feel like.". 

Technically speaking, Todoroki and him weren't really on a first name basis, but since it was his stage name 90% of people just called him Taiya anyways. 

Todoroki just nodded. The two of them finished getting dressed, not even considering waiting around for the third U.A student in their dressing room. Bakugou hadn't spoken to anyone, so they didn't feel the need to interact with him either. 

Maybe it was petty, maybe it was Maybelline. Honestly Taiya didn't give a fuck anymore. 

He slipped on the newest addition to his hero costume, a normal black surgical mask. It probably wouldn't stop people from recognizing him, but it would at least let him glare at them for gawking without them knowing. 

The two left the room, wandering down the hall following a sign that said the area was to the left. 

"OI!". Todoroki looked up and Taiya watched as his face, which looked completely impassive, fell a little. The student in front of them was a Shiketsu student. He was a literal giant and was waving very enthusiastically. "Who's that guy next to you?". 

"My classmate." Todoroki said, not stopping for a second to wave back. The student rushed to catch up with them. 

"I thought I saw you earlier! We have at least thirty seconds before we get to the arena. Lets talk!". 

"Lets not.". 

Taiya had to suppress a laugh at that. "Todoroki, what sort of things do you like?" The Shiketsu student asked as they continued walking. 

"Cold soba." Todoroki replied simply.

"I like mine hot." The other said with a wide smile. "And I like udon better!". He seemed oddly happy about the proclamation. 

"As I thought, we're not compatible." Todoroki sighed. 

Compatible? Call Taiya crazy but people only spoke like that when it was about romance, right? Did this dude like Todoroki? 

Not all of the remedial sessions were done with the same people, you had to rotate through different challenges like a workshop situation, and sometimes you were with different people. They hadn't been with this guy before though. 

Taiya smirked under his mask. He had a feeling this would be hilarious. 

------ ------- --------- ------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- 

The man from the public safety commission stood in front of the class, his monotone voice droning on and on. He introduced a new student, a really talkative girl named Camie, and then went deep into safety procedures for at least three straight minutes. 

"Without further ado, today's guest hero: Gang Orca.". 

There were murmurs down the line of students as the pro hero emerged onto the field, walking over to them and observing each of them carefully. Taiya wasn't even surprised when the hero's eyes lingered on him for a second, being a public figure in a hero licensing course was not exactly normal, plus he had the whole runaway scandal. 

"There's something I've noticed about this group of students." He said, drawing it out for dramatic effect. "Some of you have all of the necessary skills to become heroes, and some of you are severely lacking.". 

The group tensed, not quite sure where he was going with this. Gang Orca looked right at where the U.A and Shiketsu students were standing and Taiya immediately thought 'oh shit'. 

"Camie, Yaorashi, Todoroki, Bakugou and Enomoto, stand apart from the rest of the group please." He ordered, his voice dark. They did so silently. 

"What was that?!" He asked, eyes flaring red. 

"Sir yes, sir." The group muttered despondently. 


"Sir yes, sir!" They tried again, louder this time. Jeez, Taiya did not sign up for a damn drill sergeant. He was trying to get a hero license, not join the damn army.

Gang Orca looked them all up and down. "I know you all have excellent combat abilities, however that is all you have.". 

"What you're missing is, in short, heart!" He declared, "If there is a life present, you must do everything in your power to save it! So I'll set you all a challenge today, conquer this! A life and death battle against the world's most monstrous opponents!". 

A door at the back of the arena slowly began to open and everyone readied their quirks. 

"Come on, please get in a single file line like I told you to!" A voice called out desperately. 

Then suddenly there was a hoard of children running onto the field. 

Fucking shit fuck what the actual fuck is this bullshit what on earth is this?! 


This is a double update so all of the important stuff is in the next author's note (if anyone even reads those idk I mostly write them for polls and for myself at this point its cathartic) 

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