17: The Usual Kind Of Spotlight

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You'd think Taiya's life couldn't get any more chaotic. 

But naturally you'd be wrong. 

"This is probably the only time I'm going to sit here and say 'I wish I wasn't going on national television'." Taiya said honestly. His eyes were closed and his head was leaned back into the sink of a salon station, black dye running down into the bowl as it was washed out. 

"Stop complaining so much." His stylist grumbled, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to match your natural hair colour?". 

"That's why I hired the best." Taiya grinned playfully, "Any why I pay you so much.". His stylist splashed him a little, laughing at the surprised noise he let out. 

"Don't get cocky with the person who could make your hair purple if they wanted to." She laughed. 

"Ooh, make it red!" Mori chimed in from the sidelines. Taiya thought about it for a second, then realized that with red hair and green eyes he'd look like a Christmas display. 

"Anything but red please." He shivered. Mori laughed a little and assured him that he would just be going back to his natural colour. "My hair's going to be crunchy after this." He whined. He had gone from never dying it, to having to dye it on the fly twice now. 

"The whole point of getting me to do it was to make sure that didn't happen." His stylist laughed maniacally. "Trust me, it'll stay soft as ever.".

"The fact you know the texture of my hair is a little creepy." Taiya grumbled. 

"Come on, all cats are-" "Don't you dare finish that sentence Mori.". 

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The show he was going on didn't need him in the studio until four thirty in the afternoon, and it was currently eleven so the logical course of action was to just wait at home. 

You know, the home with Taiya's family in it? That home. 

"Welcome back sweetie!" His mother squealed excitedly, rushing to the front door to greet him. "Ah, I missed you so much.". 

"Missed you too." Taiya mumbled. 

"Is that any way to greet your mother?". That grating, annoying, authoritative voice would be Fumihiro, Taiya's step father. "She does so much for you, she deserves more than that. Especially considering you're just waltzing in with a day's notice. 

He glared at Taiya, clearly unhappy to see him. "What are you doing here, then? And where have you been?" He inquired. 

Yeah. There's a reason Taiya doesn't talk about him much. 

His mother Haruna was a manipulative jerk, but his step father Fumihiro was a bully. Nothing more then an overgrown middle school bully. He was rude, abrasive, loud and at times violent. 

"Its my house." Taiya countered, "I can come and go whenever I want to.". 

This was an age old argument. Because they were the adults, his mother and step-father seemed to be unable to comprehend that this was not in fact their house. The mansion was Taiya's. 

Fumihiro was clearly pissed and he opened his mouth to say something but was stopped when the door opened again. 

"Why'd you make me carry all the heavy stuff?" Mori complained. "Hello Mrs. and Mr. Ishikawa." He greeted politely, barely bowing his head. 

"Oh, hello. I didn't know you would be here as well." Taiya's mother commented, her voice ice cold. 

"I go everywhere with him ma'am. Its part of the job." Mori reiterated. The manager was clenching his jaw. He hated them about as much as Taiya did. 

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