27: Put It All On The Line

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"How soon can you verify if someone's got it right?". 

Mori shot a quick look at Taiya, not wanting to take his eyes off the road but wanting to keep an eye on the teen's still bleeding nose. 

He was on the phone with someone and had been for the past two or so minutes. He seemed to be negotiating something, some sort of tracking service. Mori still didn't know what had gone down or what was happening at all. He just knew he needed Taiya to see a doctor and he needed an explanation. 

"The name? Bakugou Katsuki last known location just west of the Musutafu area." Taiya replied to whoever he was on the phone with. "Within ten minutes or you don't get paid.". He waited, listening to the other person's reply. "Alright....I can't transfer the money fast enough to pay half upfront, I'm in transit....No, no this is an emergency. Please, its for me.". There was a lull in the conversation before Taiya spoke again. "Fifteen million yen. If you can't do it fast enough, you get nothing.". 

With that, the conversation was over. The teen breathed a sigh of relief, continuing to pinch the bridge of his nose, a trick to stop the bleeding faster. 

"Fifteen million yen for what?" Mori was almost afraid to ask. "That's a lot of money.". 

"I've spent more on clothes." Taiya replied. "I need someone verify if the location we get is legit or not by taking a look at the spot once we get a general idea.". 

"Who the hell do you know that can do that?". 

"I have connections.". 

Mori shot the teen another quick look and took a deep breath. "Do you want to tell me what's happening? I need to know so I can hel-". He was interrupted by his phone suddenly ringing. Strange, considering it was just past midnight. 

It automatically connected to the screen in the car, the contact name 'Shimizu Chiyo' front and center. The CEO of Taiya's agency. 

Mori picked up, nervous as to what was happening. 

"Hey boss what's-" 

"Where Taiya right now?!" The woman demanded, her voice panicked. 

"He's in the car with me, you're on speaker he can hear you. What's wrong?" Mori asked, keeping his eyes ahead. It was getting harder and harder too though, this was the definition of distracted driving. 

"That post, you need to take it down." Shimizu ordered, "This isn't a joke, I've been contacted by everyone I know in the business wondering what's going on. I think the heroes have gotten involved, Taiya what on earth are you doing?!" 

"Everything I can." The teen replied despite his hoarse voice, he sounded confident. 

"The world is in a panic and think you might be dead or hacked, you need to take the post down. We'll do a press conference in the morning and say you were just drunk again please just take it down before too many people see it." The woman begged, the stress obvious in her tone. 

"I'm not drunk!" Taiya fired back, "For once in my goddamn life I'm doing the right thing you can not tell me to take the post down.". 

"I can and I will. Taiya please, people think you're hurt or dead. I think you're hurt, what's going on?". 

"Didn't you read the post?" The teen replied, "That should tell you what's going on.". 

There was a brief moment of silence before Shimizu spoke again. " 'U.A student Bakugou Katsuki in class 1-A was kidnapped by the League of Villains. If you can find his current location, I will give you anything I can.' you also shared his last known location and told everyone not to go because it was on fire.". 

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