41: Little Terrors Pt. 2

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The hoard of children seemed to separate off, each gravitating to whichever hero student they thought was the most interesting. 

Perhaps it was because he was slightly behind Camie, he didn't really attract any of them. Most of the hoard was either around her or Todoroki and the guy who maybe sort of liked him. 

Taiya didn't really have time to think about that because, well, there was a hoard of children. 

He had great social skills now, probably better than the average person, because of his acting career. However, because he started so young he was shitty at interacting with children. He did well with one or two other child actors, but hell he was usually the youngest person on set at any time. 

"I don't know why I'm in this group either." Camie said, smiling at him. She looked around at her feet and hugged a boy that was practically climbing up her anyways. "Whatever." She sighed, "I like kids.". 

The little boy was blushing like crazy and Taiya rolled his eyes at the sight. He was about to turn around and try to get a moment to himself to think, but he was stopped when Camie let out a quick 'ow'. 

A group of girls had gathered around her, glaring as one of them held up the fingers they had obviously used to pinch her. "Don't seduce Sho." The little girl gritted out. 

Geez. Kids were really thuggish these days. Eh, whatever. Two could play at this game. 

Figuring he should probably get the glaring kids away from Camie, Taiya took his mask off and approached them. 

"You know, its really rude to be mean to people who haven't done anything to you. I think you owe Camie an apology." He said, a slightly sympathetic smile on his lips. He could literally hear them gasp. 

Camie giggled and Taiya looked over at her, or really at Todoroki. Her face morphed back to her own with a sly smile. "I didn't even have to use this. Thanks for the save.". 

"No problem." Taiya smiled back. 

"Listen up!" Gang Orca called out. "Today your challenge is to touch the hearts of these children. Make them see reason, and work as a team!". 

Bakugou clicked his tongue, clearly annoyed at the prospect. Everyone else just stared at the hero blankly as if to say 'are you kidding me?'. 

"In other words, we just need to make friends with everyone. Right?" The hyper guy that liked Todoroki grinned. Bakugou jerked his head to the side and started walking towards the kids. 

"Lets just get this over with and put these damn brats in their place." He grumbled, "I wanna hurry the hell up and join the other training group.". 

"Ah, there's Bakugou. Already being crass.". Somehow before now Taiya hadn't realized that Present Mic was announcing for this. Wasn't this a training exersize? Did they really need an announcer? 

Slowly the heroes migrated towards each other while the kids ran rampant all over the place. "This type of shit doesn't just happen." Bakugou said simply, "There's got to be a boss around here that's creating this atmosphere for the fuckers.". 

"Language." Todoroki scolded half-heartedly. 

"We have to find that kid, and have the rest throw rocks at him!" Bakugou proclaimed. "It'll be the most effective way for them to realize that he's nothing and they shouldn't follow someone so weak!". 

He turned on his heel and grinned madly at the kids. "Now, which one of you little kids is the strongest?!" He challenged. 

There was no way they would fight children, right? Like no way. This had to be illegal. 

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