18: Suffer Through It

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"Well, this is a little awkward.". 

Bakugou glared at Taiya. "Shut the fuck up asshole! I don't even know why're your here. Why would a big agency take on someone that didn't even fucking place in the tournament?!".

"Never mind, its more than a little awkward.". Bakugou glared at him, vibrating with anger. 

Taiya rolled his eyes. "Wow. Be mad about it then, I guess. What do you want me to do? Leave and go to a different place?". 

"Sounds good to me." Bakugou glowered.

"Good thing we took him on because we saw potential in him." Best Jeanist cut in, "And not to please you, Bakugou Katsuki.". 

The hero stood in front of them, observing them intently. "You're both a little too wild for my taste." He announced. 

"Wild?" Taiya repeated, aghast. When was he ever wild? Lots of negative words fit him perfectly, but 'wild' was not one of them. 

With an animal quirk, he tried to fucking hard not to be wild and to be a normal human. How fucking dare Best Jeanist just announce that! 

"Yes, wild." The hero confirmed, looking right at Taiya. "Your melee attacks were good and controlled in the individual matches, but when competing with Bakugou you were quite...frantic. And violent.". 

"Isn't violence like-the whole point?" Taiya asked incredulously.

"No it is most certainly not. But that's why you're both here. You need to learn there's more to hero work than winning the fight and being the best.". 

Best Jeanist watched as both his interns rolled their eyes. Clearly, they didn't believe him. 

"That's exactly why I've decided you'd both be better off spending your first day under my supervision helping out with the baseline of hero work." He explained. 

"Menial tasks.". 

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"Do not swear around the children." Best Jeanist said, his tone warning. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." Bakugou said, his voice dripping in sarcasm, "Let me just adjust the way I feel about having some fucking monster's claws digging into me!". 

The hero looked like he was regretting ever taking Bakugou on as an intern, and cast a look to his other fixer-upper. 

Tachibana had the family's second cat in his arms, purring as it snuggled into him. Cats could recognize cats, he supposed. 

The cat Bakugou was holding quickly noticed Tachibana and leapt from the blonde trainee to the black haired boy. Tachibana quickly got a grip on the second cat, and started lowering himself to the ground using the fire ladder. 

Their first emergency of the day was an apartment fire. They had been told to stand aside for most of it, but when two children had approached Jeanist sobbing about their cats still inside, they had leapt into action. 

With smoke masks on and determination in their eyes, the two had gone to rescue the feline friends. Although now it was only Tachibana returning to the ground triumphantly. 

"Yuzu! Taru!" One of the kids cried out, running up to Tachibana. The hero student bent down with the cats still purring in his arms, snuggling into him. "You saved them!". 

"Thank you prince-hero!" The other said happily. Tachibana gave the two a bewildered look. 

"'Cause you're a hero and you look like a prince!" The first child filled in. The hero student gave the pair a blinding smile beneath the mask and told them that he was just glad both they and the cats were okay. 

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