36: Just Check

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Taiya didn't know what was worse. Waking up in a hospital room or just waking up in the nation of Japan in general. 

His head was pounding and his limbs felt like they were made out of lead. He felt like shit. Shifting a little in place did nothing to ease the awful pain. It was like an ice pick to the brain. 

"Good afternoon." A voice greeted. Taiya flinched and opened his eyes, sitting up to try to search for the voice. "Hey, calm down. Its okay.". 

The boy relaxed upon seeing the doctor approach him. "Dr. Okimoto." He greeted. 

The man gave him a sad sort of smile. "Hi kid, glad you're finally awake. How are you feeling?" He asked as he walked over to adjust the IV tubing that was hooked up to Taiya's arm. The teen hadn't even noticed it before that moment. 

"Shitty." Taiya answered honestly. He looked at the man for a moment. "Did the police tell you everything?". 

"No, your teacher, that hero, did." The doctor explained, "What kind of shitty? Headache, nausea, aching anywhere?". 

"My head is killing me and it feels like too much effort to even keep my eyes open." He relayed. Dr. Okimoto nodded and walked to the corner of the room, filling a paper cup with water. He held out the cup alongside another with two white pills in it. "This is a normal dose of Aspirin, if the pain continues you can take more in 6 hours." He explained. Taiya nodded and swallowed the pills immediately, eager for the pain to stop. 

Dr. Okimoto was a doctor with his own clinic, he wasn't normally in hospitals. The clinic saw a few of the most popular people from Taiya's entertainment agency. He had been seeing the man regularly since he was about six or so. 

"What are you doing here?" Taiya asked. 

"That makes it sound like you don't want to see me." Dr. Okimoto teased, "I'm here because my patient was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.".

Taiya's eyes went wide with shock. Ambulance? He didn't remember that at all and voiced as much. 

"You wouldn't remember it, you had passed out. Luckily, you seem okay now. A headache is normal. You were severely dehydrated and in and out of consciousness for quite a few hours. Its now 12 pm, you passed out at about 5 am.". 

 That was...a lot. Taiya was confused though, hadn't he been drinking enough water? 

Then he remembered how many times Mori offered him some and he declined. Shit. He hadn't had anything since before the awards show. That made sense. 

"We ran a lot of tests to make sure your body was going to make it through this okay and we discovered some rather troubling information." Dr. Okimoto continued after the brief pause he left so Taiya could process things a bit. "You're showing signs of malnourishment and you're underweight.". 

A stiff silence enveloped the room. 

"Taiya," The man started, his voice oozing compassion in a way that made Taiya's eyes prick with tears. 

The boy bit back the urge to tell the man to shut, or to rip the IV out of his arm and storm off. 

"You're sick." Dr. Okimoto told him in no uncertain terms. "But you were tested for a lot of things, none of them came back positive. That leaves me to believe that you've developed an eating disorder.". 

Taiya remained silent, biting the inside of his cheek. "I cautioned you about this last year, remember? After you hurt your wrist on the set of the drama?" He continued, "You asked me about dieting and losing weight and I told you that you were already on the verge of being underweight.". 

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