8: Speedy Take Off

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"Have you ever thought about how much coffee stains your teeth?" Mori asked. Taiya glared at him from across the breakfast table. 

"I can just whiten them." He replied. Mori sighed. 

"You know, that actually strips them of some of their enamel. It makes them more prone to yellowing again, and creates a constant cycle of them getting yellow and you whitening them and them getting yellow and-" 

"I get it." The teen snapped. Mori raised his hands in surrender. 

"Forgive me for trying to prevent your caffeine addiction from getting out of hand." He said, going back to looking at his phone, checking emails. 

He opened his mouth to say something again but they heard something. 

"The mail." He realized. Taiya shot up from the table first. He rushed to the front door and scooped up the letter from U.A. 

He didn't even wait until Mori had the door closed all the way to tear into the letter. 

"I am here!". Taiya startled and dropped the hologram the moment All Might popped out of it. "As a projection!". 

"You see, I came to Musutafu to work at U.A!". Taiya was too shocked to really say anything, so he remained silent. 

"Tachibana, you did incredibly well on this exam! Although your written scores were average, you achieved and overall 75 points, putting you in second place! Congratulations!". 

Taiya's eyes were wide as he stared at the screen. The hologram explained the hero and villain point system and Taiya saw that he only got 6 hero points. 

"Taiya you did it!" Mori said excitedly. It hadn't really hit the teen yet. None of the implications of that hologram were clear. "Kid, you got into U.A! And All Might is your teacher. Has this been announced yet? Oh-we should call Azuma and let him know you got in.". 

"I got in." The actor whispered to himself in shock. Mori just beamed at him and ruffled his hair. 

"You're officially a hero student. A real one. There's no acting in this, just you and school.". 

Only two cohesive thoughts permeated Taiya's mind in the moment. 

One, he was in way over his head. 

Two, how the fuck did Bakugou Katsuki score two points more than him?! 

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Adjusting his uniform in the mirror, the teen thought about how everything had happened so quickly. First he got the acceptance letter, then his hair was dyed back to black, then he was uniform shopping and getting back to school supplies for the first time in...well the first time. He hadn't been to normal school before. It was always online or 'homeschooling' which consisted of no school and just acting, dance and vocal classes. His mother had tried to get him to branch out several times. 

Speaking of her, he hadn't spoken to her at all about the acceptance. It was confidential, and although Azuma explicitly said he was allowed to tell his family, he pretended he wasn't allowed to. 

Why? Taiya didn't really know. 

Maybe it had something to do with his mother constantly pestering him about coming home to see his step father and step sister. As if his step sister ever visited or even talked to him. He could see her on the streets and not recognize her at all, that was how little they saw each other. 

Shaking his head, he cursed at himself internally for thinking about that sort of shit on such an important day. He couldn't screw this up, he needed to succeed at U.A so he could succeed in the movie so he could finally get an Oscar. 

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