7: Only This Once

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When Taiya woke up, his head was pounding. 

And there was a person sleeping next to him. 

Fuck there was a person next to him. The actor groaned and gripped his hair, stressed. He didn't remember bringing someone home. Or having sex. Or anything past about 11:23 pm, to be specific. 

Cautiously, Taiya slipped out of the bed, trying not to wake up whoever was next to him. And that was when the actor noticed he was in just his boxers. Quickly he walked to the closet and grabbed a bathrobe. 

He slowly walked to the other side of the bed to get a peak at the person's face. He really hoped they weren't a well known celebrity. God please let them be a nobody. 

Taiya moved the blanket about an inch to get a look at their face and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. It was just Han-gyeol. So he hadn't had sex with anybody after all! He just go drunk and probably terrorized Mori until he let Han-gyeol drive to the hotel with them so he could stay over. 

As terrible as the korean paparazzi could be, at least they couldn't spin a story about him and Han-gyeol fucking. Everyone knew that would never happen. 

Then, the shower turned off. 

Taiya stopped dead. Why was the shower on? Who the fuck was in the shower? His head raced with thoughts along those lines, also a couple thoughts about how Mori was right and he really needed to reconsider some of his life choices. 

After a couple minutes of pretending to be a statue, Taiya flinched when the door opened. 

At least she was pretty. Scratch that, she was very pretty. 

The girl smiled at him. She had already blow dried her hair and applied some makeup. Probably an idol then, although he didn't recognize her. 

"Good morning." She said, adjusting the bathrobe she was wearing. "I um-don't remember much of last night but, the parts I do were great.". 

Taiya smiled back. "I'm glad." He replied, approaching her. The girl put her arms around his waist and pulled him in the moment they were close enough. She was pretty short, at least compared to Taiya. 

"Ew, please don't do anything in front of me." Han-gyeol groaned from the bed. The girl startled and gripped Taiya tighter, clearly embarrassed. Taiya moved himself to cover her a little more out of curtesy. "You're Dan-bi from Starlight, aren't you?" The other teen asked. 

'Dan-bi' Taiya repeated in his mind, committing the name to memory. The girl nodded, playing with her periwinkle hair extensions a little. 

This was probably awkward for them because Han-gyeol was part of a massive group that was wildly successful, and also probably Dan-bi's senior in the industry. And this was a very unprofessional setting. 

Taiya prayed that they wouldn't have to host a music or award show together after this. If they did though, he'd watch the whole thing and laugh. 

"Um, do you want to borrow some clothes?" Taiya asked, "I'm sure you don't want to wear what you were wearing last night.". Not that he remembered what she was wearing. Wait-no he actually did. 

Well, he remembered taking the dress off her, if that counted. But there was no way the girl wanted to get back into that red uncomfortable strap-covered mess. 

"Oh, yeah that would be nice." She said awkwardly, still eyeing Han-gyeol with caution. 

"Hey, don't worry about him. We're close friends, he wont ever say anything about this or you." Taiya assured her, walking over to the bag of clothes the agency had dropped off for him the day before. He rooted through it until he found the smallest t-shirt in there and a pair of light wash jeans that were already supposed to fit in a baggy style. He handed them, still neatly folded up, to the girl. "These are all new clothes, I didn't bring any luggage to korea, so don't worry about them being dirty or anything. I think there are some boxers in there if you wanna borrow them. Should be a belt or too as well if those don't fit.". 

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