23: Don't Tell Me

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"Be safe.". 

If just participating in class after being told to leave wasn't awkward enough, Taiya was going exacerbate it. 

He was going on the field trip. The wilderness camp field trip. 

In his defense, he didn't know what else to do. At this point, he had friends in the class, not just Kirishima and Ashido either. He was getting along with people, enjoying their company and learning a lot from them. 

Offhandedly he had mentioned that he might not be able to go, and half the class had threatened to go on strike in their next heroics class if he didn't go. His hands were tied. 

That didn't mean he didn't feel awkward as hell. 

"Hey, earth to Taiya. I said be safe." Mori repeated, flicking the boy on the forehead. Taiya flicked him back without a word and scowled. 

"I'm not a baby. You don't need to worry about me." He huffed. Mori rolled his eyes, more than used to those sorts of replies by now. 

"You should get going." He told the teen instead. Taiya nodded and there was a brief moment of silence between them before Mori decided to just go for it. 

"What are you doing?". 

"This is called a 'hug'." He replied seamlessly. Mori ruffled the boy's freshly redyed hair and smiled. "Have fun. There better not be any alcohol in your bag.". 

"Who do you take me for?" Taiya joked. Mori raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Fine, there's no alcohol. I don't want to get kicked out...or I guess kicked out more than I already am.". 

"Hey you could always ditch the actor thing.". 

"Why would you suggest that? You make all your money through my 'actor thing'." Taiya reminded him. 

"I'm sure I could go back to being a bodyguard.". 

Taiya didn't like how serious Mori's 'joking' tone sounded when he said that. 

"I'm gonna go." He said, grabbing his bag and totally not running away. 

------------ ---------------- ------------ -------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- -------------- 

"Wow and I thought Musutafu was the sticks." The boy observed as he looked out of the bus. 

"Its a city?" Kirishima tilted his head in confusion as he stared at his friend. 

"A small city." Taiya shrugged. They were really out in the middle of no where now. Seriously. There was exactly one road, the one they were on, and no visible houses or structures. 

Once they were all out of the bus, 1-A started mumbling amongst each other. This couldn't be their destination, could it? But the bus was pulling away. 

Suddenly something jumped over the barrier to the cliff. 

"Lock on with those sparkling gazes-"

"We've come to lend a paw and help!" 

"Coming out of no where...." 

"Stingingly cute and catlike 

"Wild wild....PUSSYCATS!" 

The class stared at the group of oddly dressed strangers with shocked expressions. 

"Oh my god! The Pussycats!" Midoriya squealed with amazement in his eyes. "They're a well established hero group that specialize in mountain and wilderness rescue!". 

"You sure know your stuff." The blue cat girl said, winking at the boy. "We're your hosts for the training camp and rest assured we'll give you kiddos some great tips when it comes to rural rescue.". 

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