11: Mis and Mutual Understandings

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Uraraka didn't hate him. 

Contrary to popular, or at least his, assumptions apparently. Her feelings towards her fellow student were more akin to frustration. She felt like they should have won, that she had let Deku down by losing and yeah, when someone slams you into the ground underneath them, it makes you mad. 

But whatever Tachibana had seen when he looked at her during that exercise, he must not have liked because he had been awkward around her since. Avoiding her, not really talking to her. It was weird. 

Even now, on the bus to the USJ, he was avoiding eye contact. 

Part of her blood boiled as she saw him talking with Deku. Why was he so chill with him? It was like no one had noticed Tachibana was normal half the time and shouting at Bakugou during the other half. 

Maybe most people were just thankful that someone could stand up to Bakugou. 

So yeah, Uraraka didn't hate Tachibana. But right now he was really pissing her off because she had glared at him once and all of sudden they were enemies or something. 

The bus rattled on as the two, despite sitting next to each other, didn't speak a word to one another. 

No, Taiya was not being a dramatic bitch and making a whole ass enemy out of one glare. Nope. Not him. 

The most reliable narrator on earth, this guy. 

Mori had tried to tell him that not everyone who glared at him that way wanted him dead but he wasn't an idiot. Uraraka didn't want him dead, they probably just weren't going to get along. Or they would, until Taiya did something she didn't like again and she gave him the same look. 

People like that slowly got less and less of a threshold for how much they were willing to interact with him. It was just a fact. 

The actor's head lolled to the side, connecting with the window. Slowly, his eyes slipped closed. That was another one of his talents, falling asleep literally anywhere. 

----------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ------------- ------------ ----------- 

"Hey, Tachibana we're here!" Deku said, shaking the boy's shoulder. The boy grumbled and pinched his brows together. 

Taiya turned away from Midoriya and back towards the window. The green haired boy laughed a little bit and went back to trying to wake him up. Taiya's eyes blinked open a crack but the uncomfortable sensation that came from sleeping in contacts yet again. He had to figure out how else to hide his eyes. 

He opened his mouth to yawn and got his mouth halfway before slapping his hand over his mouth. His eyes snapped to Midoriya who's mouth was dropped open and his eyes were wide. 

Instantly Taiya realized what had happened. He ran his tongue over his fangs and wondered how much Midoriya had seen. 

It was a less cool and more monstrous part of his quirk. Sure, people might think they were cool or cute if they were smaller but...well they weren't. They were scary as shit. Leopards were carnivores after all. 

"Sorry." Taiya said, his words slightly garbled as his teeth morphed back to their human version. How that worked, he had no idea. The rest of his bones did it too, he supposed, it was just less visible. 

"Um, no problem." Midoriya mumbled. 

With a quick nod Taiya made his way off the bus. He saw several heroes waiting for the group, but he was too busy to deal with that. He beelined for Mr. Aizawa. 

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