20: See If I Care

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"So let me get this straight-" 

"With your dating history? I don't think so." 

Mori shot Taiya an unamused look and took a deep breath. "So you threw a tantrum, got drunk, bit and then proceeded to make out with the hero killer?". 

"I mean I wouldn't call it making out but, in essence, yes. Yes I did. But I was only a little tipsy, not drunk. Also it wasn't a tantrum.". 

"And this, this is why we have a pr agency. People wonder how celebrities end up with so many crazy scandals. This is worse than that time you tried to assassinate the prime minister of Canada.". 

"Hey, that incident is grossly misunderstood by the public!" Taiya protested. 

"Legitimately at this point it doesn't matter." Mori sighed. "Anyways, I'm glad you're uninjured, have no infections from that murderer's blood and came home from the hospital not kicking and screaming.". The actor clicked his tongue, annoyed. But Mori could tell he was also glad he hadn't gotten hurt. At the time he had been tipsy and had no fear at all. Once he sobered up, it was a little scary to think he had just faced down the person that killed Ingenium. 

But he won, so he wasn't that freaked out. 

"I'm also glad that this wasn't under your real name because even I probably couldn't clear up that mess.". 

"Yeah, when I eventually go back to my real life we'll have to cover this one up. Its unbelievable enough I was in the sports festival, being part of the group that stopped the hero killer is not what I want to be asked about in interviews. Besides, Iida and Midoriya deserve more credit than I do." Taiya agreed. 

Mori furrowed his brow. "I mean, I get not wanting the public to know, but you should get the credit. The police officer at the hospital told me both your classmates told her you had done most of the work yourself. That you figured out that Stain's quirk could be used against him.". 

Taiya shrugged noncommittally. 

"By the way Stain needed stiches for the wound you gave him on his shoulder. How fucking hard did you bite down?" 

"I feel like I shouldn't answer that question without the company's lawyer present...".

--------- ----------- ---------- --------- ------------ ---------- ------------- 

The moment he appeared in Best Jeanist's office changed and ready for hero work and saw the expression on his mentor's face, he knew what was about to happen. 

"Look, I already had the whole 'what happened last night' conversation once at home. I don't wanna have it again." He sighed. 

"I just wanted to know if you finally agree with me about the wild thing." The hero smirked. "I read the incident report. Your quick thinking is impressive Tachibana, but biting the villain is an unusual strategy.". 

Taiya shrugged, refusing to admit anything out loud. "I did what I needed to do. Job's done, no need to stress about the process.". 

The hero looked like he was stifling a laugh at that, the absurdity of his mentee's actions just too much. 

"Well today we've got some more activities that don't revolve around blood and violence, so suit up." He drawled out. Taiya immediately perked up, giving the hero a quick 'I'm on it' before disappearing down the hall. 

He threw the door to the locker room open, eager to get some hero work done. The night before had given him a sort of adrenaline spike he wasn't used to, and seeing that his mentor wasn't going to kick him out for biting someone made it all the better. 

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