31: Behind The Scenes

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"So you were completely unaware that Enomoto was attending U.A?". 

"Yes." Haruna confirmed tearfully, "This has all been quite a shock. We thought Taiya was safe on a film set somewhere. We never imagined he was attending U.A.". 

"I'm sorry for how this might sound, but how? U.A has record that a guardian signed the forms...". 

"Ah, that would be Mori. He has partial custody of Taiya under the agency's rules. We gave the agency partial custody of him when he was eight so he could take on longer, more serious roles." Haruna explained. "We never thought it would turn out like this though.". 

Aizawa had no idea how to react to that. He didn't even know parents could give partial custody of their children to companies. Why was that allowed? 

Typically he tried not to judge parents coming into situations like these, but it was pretty hard to see the pair as normal parents after hearing that. And at only eight years old....he was so young when they did that. 

"I first want to assure you that U.A's doing all they can to bring Tachiba-Enomoto back to you." He said, meeting the pair's gaze. 

Haruna nodded, teary eyed. Her husband, Ishikawa Fumihiro, did nothing but sit there. He looked furious. 

Aizawa knew from the internet that he was Taiya's step father and quickly deduced that Miyuki was his step sister. While acting as Tachibana, Taiya had never mentioned any siblings or parents. The only person he ever spoke about at home was Mori. It made it hard to create a picture of what his home life was really like. 

"I need some information from you to help us find your son." The man explained, "Do you know anywhere your son might be? Did he have a place he went when he was stressed or afraid?". 

Fumihiro scoffed. "He could be anywhere. The kid knows too many people, too many bad people.". 

"What do you mean by 'bad people'?". 

"You're a hero, shouldn't you know? Drug dealers, shady directors, anyone he's ever been in a scandal with." The man listed off angrily, "He's a snake and he'll do anything to stay hidden.". 

The judgements Aizawa was pushing to the back of his mind were making themselves known again, but he just shoved them back and listened. In interviews it was crucial to let people say what they wanted to. You never knew what they would tell you. 

"Baby, this isn't the time to bring up that old argument." Haruna protested, putting her hand over the husband's and squeezing it. 

Fumihiro ignored her and turned to Aizawa. "I like to think I have faith in heroes, but that boy will do anything if it means not getting caught. You must know what he's like.". 

It rubbed the hero the wrong way that the man had said 'not getting caught'. Taiya hadn't done anything wrong at all. He was the hero in this situation, he was just hiding from the media. 

"You believe he's hiding out with someone unsafe?" Aizawa clarified. The thought was worrying. It would be a nightmare if Taiya was hiding somewhere that he was in danger simply to avoid the press. "Do you know the names of any of these people? Any previous relationships, exes?" As an afterthought he added, "Dealers?" through gritted teeth. 

"We don't." Haruna said sadly. "We could never tell where he got anything from, and its very hard to keep up with which scandals were real or fabricated by the media.". 

"I kept telling you that boy needed a firmer hand to put him on the right path." Fumihiro gritted out, "You never let me knock any sense into the brat and now look what he's gone and done.".

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