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The small pouch of coins I had given to the Maester and servants to go and find help proved to be useful as they came back with Yi-Tish sailors and a healer who helped me with Visenya. "I also regret to inform you, Princess...that Prince Rhaegar has perished at what has been called The Battle of The Trident. But...also, tragedy in Kings Landing...Princess Elia and her children, your "step" children, Rhaenys and Aegon, were murdered in cold blood by Lannister bannermen." The Maesters words shocked me and I fell to my knees and screamed in shock. The Yi-Tish healer fell next to me and put her arms around me, whispering words in broken common tongue mixed with Yi-Tish language. "We need to leave...she cannot stay here. The Stags men will either kill both of them, or kill the child and take her away." The main Yi-Tish man spoke and the Maester handed him another pouch of coins. "Take her...Princess Lyanna and her daughter will find nothing but misery here if they stay...but I feel they would be safer in Essos. This is enough for them to board your ship and find refuge somewhere." The Maester spoke and the Yi-Tish man nodded, ordering his men to pack things up while the healer helped me up and sat me down on the bed. "His Imperial Majesty has wanted an alliance of sorts with Westeros for years...maybe if you plead a case to him, saying that when Visenya takes the throne, she can open those alliances and trades...he will let you stay." The healer said and I debated for a moment, looking over at Visenya before sighing and nodded. "If he will listen, then I will go to Yi-Ti...Westeros hold too many painful memories for me now." I said and the Yi-Tish man nodded. 

It took a while but we left, after I told the guards to go either swear fealty to Robert or leave and make their ways home. The Maester came with us, but only to see me and Visenya off. "I shall go to Sunspear and tell House Martell what has transpired. I pray to any Gods who hear me that they keep you safe and bless your daughter." The Maester said before leaving and the healer led me down to a cabin where I would stay with Visenya during this trip. "What is Yi Ti like...I've only read stories but none seem to be updated enough." I asked the healer who was watching over Visenya. "Yi Ti is a nation and region in Essos, east of Quarth  and the Bone Mountains and bordered by the Jade Sea to the south. Nearby islands in the Jade Sea are Leng  and the Isle of Whips . North of Yi Ti are the Great Grass Sea , the Shrinking Sea , and the Bleeding Sea; a great river runs south from the Bleeding Sea through Yi Ti to the Jade Sea. East of Yi Ti are the Mountains of the Morn , the Shadow Lands, and the city of Asshai . In the Common Tongue , things relating to Yi Ti are known as "YiTish"." The healer said as she nodded, feeling Visenya was safe and healthy. "Yi Ti was one of the earliest civilizations where literacy arose. The most ancient YiTish records are cherished and jealously guarded. Yi Ti is the oldest surviving continuous civilization in the world, having existed under one dynasty or another since the Long Night 8,000 years ago - other ancient civilizations such as the Ghiscari or Valyrians have long since collapsed. As a result their scholars tend to look down on other, younger civilizations as children and barbarians. The grand cities of Yi Ti dwarf those of Westeros or even the Free Cities." I listened to the Healer with attention as she sat down next to me with a tome. 

"According to scribes of Yin, all the lands between the Jade Sea and the Shivering Sea, the Bone Mountains and the Grey Waste were part of the Great Empire of the Dawn and fell under the control of the God-on-Earth, the only son of The Lion of Night and the Maiden-Made-of-Light. He is said to have had a hundred wives and to have reigned for ten thousand years, before ascending into the stars to join his forebears. He was succeeded by his eldest son, the Pearl Emperor, who ruled for a thousand years. He was followed by the Jade Emperor, the Tourmaline Emperor, the Onyx Emperor, the Topaz Emperor, and the Opal Emperor, who all reigned for centuries. Each successive ruler had a shorter reign and faced rising problems, as mankind grew greedy and corrupt. The Opal Emperor was succeeded by his daughter, the Amethyst Empress. Her younger brother slew her and usurped the throne, and event which is remembered as the Blood Betrayal. He proclaimed himself the Bloodstone Emperor and began a reign of terror, practicing dark magical arts and necromancy. He cast down the true gods to worship a black stone which had fallen from the sky. According to the annals of the east, the Blood Betrayal is attributed as the cause of the Long Night, as it caused the Maiden-Made-of-Light to despair and turn her face away from mankind, while the Lion of Night sent the generation-long winter to punish mankind. In the chaos that followed, the Great Empire of the Dawn collapsed. According to Colloquo Votar, as recounted in his Jade Compendium, a legend from Yi Ti claims that disaster during the Long Night was only averted by "the deeds of a woman with a monkey's tail". The maesters of the Citadel in Oldtown doubt that the Great Empire of the Dawn ever truly existed, but most do agree that Yi Ti's culture is very ancient, and a few believe that they were contemporary with the Fisher Queens on the western side of the Bone Mountains." The healer said as she turned the pages of the book for me to see the pictures...The Amethyst robes of the same color as Rhaegar's eyes, the Bloodstone Emperor...the Long Night...I shivered at the thought of that.

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