Ask Questions and get answers

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I decided to do a thing where you can ask me(the author questions) or any of the characters listed below any questions you want-








The Emperor of Yi-Ti

The Starks

The Baratheons

The Martells

The Lannisters

The Tyrells

Any of the deities from Westeros and Essos

Amethyst Empress

Bloodstone Emperor

Ghosts/Ancestors of the past(Rhaegar, Elia, Rhaenys, Aegon...that sort of thing)

Even the dragons


dragon457 asked the question-Queen Lyanna, what do you think of Catelyn Stark or Tully?

Lyanna: We met once, during the Harrenhal Tourney and while we shared the same distaste for Robert Baratheon, I found her piety in the Seven to be a little unnerving. I just wish she would respect the laws and traditions of the North and let Sansa and Arya wield weapons...though, I think Arya is already doing it behind her back. 

ProtonCoccus asked the question-To the Vengeful Melara: when are you going to haunt Cersei? Can't wait to see her unravel :)

Melara: Well, my dear...I have been haunting her subtly throughout the years. Some things were...innocent enough, misplaced items and such. But that the rightful heir to the throne is here, I plan on taking full revenge...I was there in that tent, I know the prophecy that haunts Cersei so much and I intend to use it to my full advantage. 

 2021ac asked the following question-What will be their(The Martells) reaction to Visenya's birthright?

Me: They already know and fully support her. Oberyn actually chased down the ghost of a rumor all the way to Yi Ti once and came back even giddier than normal.

2021ac also asked- Will Jaime Lannister swear his allegiance to Visenya?

Me: Once he realizes just how crazy and insane Cersei is...yes. But that won't happen for a while.

2021ac final question is-Will Robert want Lyanna once he realizes she is alive?

Me: No. Lyanna swore that she would not step foot in Westeros as long as Robert was alive. Plus...Robert will never know. The Emperor and his advisors make sure no rumors(unless they want one to get out) really leave Yi Ti...

springtimesoldier asked-I wonder what Rhaegar thinks about the Great Beyond...but what does Oberyn think about Visenya?

Rhaegar: It is vast and wide...of course, you have to do some form of punishment if you did something back in your life..Like my father is currently doing hard labor for the years he was the Mad King. But, while I do miss Lyanna and Visenya, I can watch them from here with Elia, Rhaenys, Aegon, my mother, siblings and others I hold dear.

Oberyn: She'd made for a good queen. Her upbringing has prepared her for a bigger role in her life. And she truly lives up to her namesake, Visenya. She has also promised that the Mountain is mine and mine alone to like her, very much.

itsalwaysgay asked the following question-I just finished reading Ch.5, and I was wondering if Masako and Tyrion were going to end up together even if it's for a small amount of time?

Me: *checking over notes*.....maybe....*wink*

Tyrion: I hope it's forever...not since Tysha, have I felt anything remotely close to love.


RyvrStyx asked the following question of Robert Baratheon-Why were you even obsessed with Lyanna in the first place?

Robert: Obsessed? I was in love with her. 

Me: You were in love with the idea of her, you did not see the iron underneath that made Lyanna more Northern than Southron.

Robert: But-

Ned: She's right. 

Me: Besides, by the time you were 'betrothed' to Lyanna and I use that term lightly, you had fathered a bastard and did not seemed ashamed of it. And you only met her once....ONCE! At the Tourney of Harrenhall of all places. 

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