~Chapter 4~

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*Lady Kimiko is in blue, Riko is in pink and Visenya is in black*

Visenya 'Harumi' Targaryen

"Lady Ambassador, your dress looks very lovely today!" Lady Sansa complimented me as I sat down near the Starks and offered her a smile. "I've always found black and white to work better for me on certain days...Tell me, Lady Sansa...as I have never witnessed these types of events, what exactly is the....gist of jousting?" I asked while fanning myself as Sansa began to explain about it. Of course I knew, I just wanted someone to keep me occupied before I went mad worrying over Hiroto and Katsuhito, who both were going to partake in the joust. "Then, at the end, whoever has knocked the most of horses has to face off against the secondary winner...and when that person wins, they are offered either a crown of bouquet of flowers to give to a lady of their choice. However, I am told that the Queen will present a small bouquet of flowers at the beginning for each champion." I nodded as Lady Sansa continued on and finally breathed a sigh of relief when I spotted both Hiroto and Katsuhito in their armor and on horses and the sight of them in their armor caused many lords and ladies to laugh, but I simply ignored the laughs. 

"Good Gods...how ridiculous they look...they'll be knocked out before the Tourney even gets to the middle." The Stark ward, Theon Greyjoy jested from the other side of Lord Stark's eldest son and heir, Robb...who was also my cousin. I simply gave a quick glare-glance in his direction before sitting straighter. "Unlike Westerosi armor, Yi-Tish armor is more free moving. Your bulky metal armor would make nearly impossible to properly battle in Yi-Ti, even for events, whereas our armor weighs less than your armor. It is also to reflect the clan they are a part of, the colors and crest being the personality of the daimyo...or "lord". And it shows the status of the wearer. And as you can see, they both wear the colors and crest of the Imperial Family, though Katsuhito also has his own symbol next to the Chrysanthemum while Hiroto simply has the Imperial crest." I said in a haughty tone that I know would have gotten me smacked by Mother and the Empress but to see the scowl and hear Theon Greyjoy's grumble was worth it. "Well, I hope they at least gain some wins...they deserve it." Lord Stark said giving me a long look which I smiled and nodded before watching as King Robert and Queen Cersei stood up and walked towards the center. 

"Welcome, esteemed guests to the first ever Diplomats Tournament. From every house in Westeros to every city in Essos, we welcome our diplomats, ambassadors and representatives to Kings Landing...now...on with the joust!" King Robert spoke though I could tell those words were written for him to say so he would not mess anything up. King Robert sat back down as Katsuhito and a knight with a shield of hanged man rode towards the royal box as Queen Cersei handed the knight with the blue shield a bouquet of red and gold roses, the colors of House Lannister, before turning and with a smile that seemed very forced or fake, handed Katsuhito a bouquet of....WHITE CHRYSANTHEMUMS!!!! Katsuhito did not look happy while Lady Kimiko gasped in horror, Lady Masako utter "Witch" under her breath and Riko simply closed her eyes and clenched her fists. "Dishonor." I said as I fanned myself and frowned as the Starks looked over at me with concern. "What...they are beautiful flowers." Lady Sansa started but I simply shook my head and looked at the Starks with a frown. "There is more to it...flowers are have certain meanings in Yi-Tish culture. To give someone white chrysanthemums means you wish them death or even down right denying them the guest rights. Black may be the mourning color in Westeros, but in Yi-Ti, we avoid wearing white at all costs expect for funerals." I spoke as I turned back around, watching as Katsuhito simply placed the flower bouquet down and grabbed the shield and lance. 

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