~Chapter 7~

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Visenya 'Harumi' Targaryen

"I truly do appreciate what the Princess Myrcella is doing, but right now...I do not feel like dressing up and acting like a court lady. Right now, I want to be like my namesake and wield a weapon." I said as I walked out, dressed in my training attire and threw one of the swords at Hiroto who caught it with a head nod and we began to practice within the small garden of the manse. Our swords clashed, but I was not backing down and managed to avoid every swipe and strike of Hiroto's sword when I saw his eyes shift and quickly pulled out the smaller training sword and turned, blocking a blow from Katsuhito, who nodded and quickly withdrew his blade. "Something troubles you...you usually do not fight like this. What is it?" I sighed and looked at the ground before closing my eyes. "How much longer do I have to be Harumi? How much longer must I deal with the ignorance of these westerners?" I asked in anger and Hiroto walked over, putting a hand on my shoulder as Riko took the training swords away from us. "When the fat stag dies...we talked of this. And from what I have seen, it won't be much longer with the way he keeps drinking in his cups." Lady Kimiko said as she walked out and handed me a letter with a sea horse stamped onto it. "A letter from House Velaryon...they wish to meet near the docks. Katsuhito and Riko will accompany you." I nodded and quickly walked back in, dressing in a nice ocean-green kimono and did my hair in the usual style before Katsuhito, Riko and myself walked out and down to the docks. 

"Ah, Lady Harumi. I have long waited to meet you. Lord Monford Velaryon. This is my wife, Lady Helaena Celtigar and our son, Monterys Velaryon and my half-brother, Aurane Waters." The older man, dressed in the colors of House Velaryon spoke as we approached and I gave him a calculating look until he pulled a scroll from his sleeve with my personal sigil on it. "I received the most interesting letter a few days before your arrival.....Dāria Zaldrīzoti. To simply put it as your maternal side would say 'The Norther Remembers', well so do we of the blood of old Valyria and my ships are yours to command. I also would like to extend an invitation once this whole celebration is over, to Driftmark where we can talk more." I stood there stunned and I could tell that both Riko and Katsuhito were stunned as well. 'Dragon Queen...so they know then.' I nodded and gave a smile, not a fake one, but a real one, letting my purple eyes shine brightly. "I accept your offer, Lord Velaryon. And thank you, for your support." I said as he and his family bowed in the traditional Yi-Tish way and I returned the bow before we turned and left, heading for the Red Keep where Hiroto was training the three young lads from before. "Your mother did say she would gather more help and allies for us." Katsuhito spoke in the Yitish tongue as we passed by soldiers who stared at us while I grabbed my fan and held it near my face for protection. "Indeed. She did." I answered back as we turned a corner to head to the training grounds.

"Lady Harumi!" I turned to see Lady Shireen Baratheon running towards me, dressed in a yellow kimono, similar to the ones I wore and that Princess Myrcella had made for the noble ladies. "Lady Shireen." I greeted, noticing that her face was not as scarred as it had been when we first met. "It works...the paste you gave us. The maester said it is a miracle and is grateful for this...as am I." Lady Shireen said and I smiled brightly at the young doe. "I am glad it helps. Would you like to come watch Hiroto train the little lords Bran Stark, Robin Arryn and Prince Tommen?" I asked and she nodded, taking my offered hand we we strolled together, Katsuhito following us from a slight distance. "Cousin Shireen!" Princess Myrcella, dressed in a pink and red kimono greeted with a hug for her cousin before doing the proper bow to me, which I returned. "Lady Harumi." I smiled as the two girls sat on the bench and watched the boys train with Hiroto. After a few practices, Hiroto decided one-on-one to help more with their stances was needed and Prince Tommen took that oppurtunety to walk over and give Lady Shireen a yellow rose, making the young girl blush and smile. "You look lovely, Shireen." I saw a flurry of red and saw the bitchy lioness, dressed once again in a poor and quite frankly, insulting version of our dresses frown at the sight before storming off and I smirked, going back to watching the young lads train while Princess Myrcella and Lady Shireen talked and giggled.

Lady Masako

"This sake has turned sour yet again." I muttered, dumping the sake out in a nearby bush with a sigh. "Something evil infest these halls and it must be appeased before long." I said with a head shake and walked away, feeling an unease as I passed by the Queen's chambers and quickly hurried in my steps to find Visenya and the rest before something happens. I quickly found them talking with Lady Shireen and her uncle, the stag that loved men. "Something evil lurks within these walls...and I feel it coming from the Queen more than anything." I muttered to Katsuhito who nodded. "I have felt it too." He responded as Visenya bid the Baratheons goodbye and we left for the manse, not knowing a pair of mixed-matched eyes were watching as I left. "These barbarians have enslaved a good and noble lady of Westeros to be their whore and slave! Beware these barbarians of the East! The emperor will be turned to the proper gods, the Seven who see all!" A random person of the faith yelled out as we passed by and none of us even bothered or batted an eye, but I could see Visenya's shoulders tense. "THE SPARROW COMMANDS WE CONVERT THE NON BELIEVERS AND BRING BACK THE FAITH MILITANT FOR GOOD!" The man continued ranting on as we got to our manse and I nodded to the Stark and Martell guards with a head nod to keep this idiot away from us as I slammed the doors to the manse shut. 

The Dragon Of The East~Game Of Thrones AU~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя